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"`She's gone, bad 'cess to her! says he. "`Try again, says me brother, and Buck fills the bucket again, and there was the moon sure enough when the water came to stand still. "`Go on, says me brother. `Drain out the wather, but go gentle, or she'll give yiz the slip again.

"There she goes," said Mr Button; "an' me old fiddle an' all. Don't be frightened, childer; it's only a gun they're firin' for divarsion. Now we'll all halloo togither are yiz ready?" "Ay, ay," said Dick, who was a picker-up of sea terms. "Halloo!" yelled Pat. "Halloo! Halloo!" piped Dick and Emmeline. A faint reply came, but from where, it was difficult to say.

The rest was voices. "Dinghy ahoy!" "Ahoy!" "Ahoy!" "Don't be shoutin' together, or I'll not know which way to pull. Quarter-boat ahoy! where are yez?" "Port your helm!" "Ay, ay!" putting his helm, so to speak, to starboard "I'll be wid yiz in wan minute, two or three minutes' hard pulling." "Ahoy!" much more faint. "What d'ye mane rowin' away from me?" a dozen strokes. "Ahoy!" fainter still.

"Are yiz all dumb?" exclaimed Jack, in surprise. "Faix, it's not every day a snug little field and cottage and a good-looking girl falls in a man's way. I say again, I'll give her and the lase to the man that will say the word."

"Uncle," said Emmeline, putting her hand in his, as she gazed towards the ship and beyond it, "I'm 'fraid." "What frightens you, Emmy?" he asked, drawing her to him. "Shapes," replied Emmeline, nestling up to his side. "Oh, Glory be to God!" gasped the old sailor, suddenly resting on his oars. "Will yiz look at the fog that's comin' "

Now, out with yiz, neighbors all; the entertainment's over, and it's time for good folk to be in the land of dhrames. You stay ahint with me, Bet, darlint I have a word for your private ear." It was quite evident that in Paradise Row Mother Bunch's smallest command was law; in an incredibly short space of time the little room was cleared, and Mrs. O'Flaherty and Bet were alone.

There they found the widow and her pseudo niece sitting at the fire; and three drunken vagabonds, for the fourth was holding the horses outside, cut some fantastic capers round the cabin, and making a mock obeisance to the widow, the spokesman addressed her with "Your sarvant, ma'am!" "Who are yiz at all, gintleman, that comes to my place at this time o' night, and what's your business?"

He was ashamed, but he could not help it; he was feeling already as if he were a prisoner in a dungeon looking forward to his release. "5a Little Turnstile, High Holborn, London, W. C., November 9, 18 . "Oh yiz, oh yiz, oh yiz! This is to announce to you with due pomp and circumstance that I, Glory Quayle, am no longer at the hospital for the present. Did I never tell you?

"I was a spalpeen no bigger than the height of me knee, and I'd go to the sty door, and he'd come to the door, and grunt an' blow wid his nose undher it; an' I'd grunt back to vex him, an' hammer wid me fist on it, an' shout `Halloo there! halloo there! and `Halloo to you! he'd say, spakin' the pigs' language. `Let me out, he'd say, `and I'll give yiz a silver shilling.

'Why, thin, bad luck to your impidence, says the waiver; 'would no place sarve you but that? and is it spyling my brekquest yiz are, you dirty bastes? And with that, bein' altogether cruked-tempered at the time, he lifted his hand, and he made one great slam at the dish o' stirabout, and killed no less than three score and tin flies at the one blow.