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But the scenery none the less suggested fruitful themes for talk to the two gentlemen on the back-seat. "I've got money loaned on that quarter at three per cent a month and five after due. The mortgage has a waiver in it too. You see, the security was unusually good, and that was why I let him have it so low." This was what Mr.

And maybe it's wondherin' you are that the waiver would think of goin' to fight the dhraggin afther what he heerd about him, when he was purtendin' to be asleep, but he had no sitch notion; all he intended was, to fob the goold, and ride back again to Duleek with his gains and a good horse.

He confirmed several chiefs who began to waiver in their principles; some he actually converted by the energy of his arguments, and brought over to the assistance of the government, which they had determined to oppose; others he persuaded to remain quiet, without taking any share in the present troubles.

"Or maybe it just showed that the old gentleman was no hog," suggested Gordon. "I guess the law will construe it as a waiver of his claim. It doesn't make any allowances for altruism." "I've noticed that," Gordon admitted dryly. "A new crowd of politicians got in after Mexico became independent of Spain. The plums had to be handed out to the friends of the party in power.

It would have been such a capital way out, with no sacrifice of her scruples nor waiver of our collective impressiveness. So Harwood came in for mild reprehension, the Sage Dennis remarking with some asperity that when the gods have provided us with farces, comedies, and tragedies in from one to five acts it is unseemly to string them out to six or seven.

'When the people sees that, says the waiver to himself, 'the sorra one will dar' for to come near me. And with that he towld the wife to scour out the small iron pot for him, 'For, says he, 'it will make an iligant helmet'; and when it was done, he put it an his head, and his wife said, 'Oh, murther, Thady jewel, is it puttin' a great heavy iron pot an your head you are, by way iv a hat?

The waiver was made at the request of the leading officers of Fort Buford, all very friendly to the best interests of the service and consequently ours, and the object was to silence all subsequent controversy.

"I never buy town lots," said Minorkey, coughing despairingly, "never! I run no risks. I take my interest at three and five per cent a month on a good mortgage, with a waiver, and let other folks take risks." But the hopeful fat gentleman evidently took risks and slept soundly.

It will obviate considerable delay and inconvenience, if the defendant will sign and file his personal answer, admitting the plaintiff's allegations of residence, marriage, children, etc., but denying the cause of action. This answer should also contain an express waiver of notice of all proceedings.

"And did interest represent any economic service to the community on the part of the interest taker in lending his money?" "None whatever. On the contrary, it was by the very nature of the transaction, a waiver on the part of the lender of the power of action in favor of the borrower. It was a price charged for letting some one else do what the lender might have done but chose not to.