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"Is there no one with her but the carman?" "Not one hould you tongue here's the gate where the same pair was to meet us. Who is this stranger that Rody has picked up? I hope he's the thing." "Some red-headed fellow. Rody says he is honest. I'm wondherin', aunt, what 'ud happen if she'd know the place." "She can't, girshah an' what if she does? She may know the place, but will the place know her?

'An' there's your chair waitin' for you beside the fire, Mr. Irons, this month an' more a cowld evening and we all wondherin' what in the wide world was gone widg ye this I do'no how long. 'Thank ye, Ma'am a pipe and a glass o' punch. Irons was always a man of few words, and his laconics did not strike Mistress Molloy as anything very strange.

McGrath when that gentleman remarked, "Begorra! but it's illigant sport it'd be if the bass 'ud only bite at them things!" "Bite at them?" said I, turning round: "of course they'll bite at them." "Sorra bit will they, sorr. It's just wondherin' they are if them things up above is good to ate, but they're too lazy to step up an' inquire. Augh, be me sowl! but it's the thruth I tell you.

Whin I got aboord th' decks were crowded with happy people worryin' about their baggage an' wondherin' already whether th' inspector in New York wud get onto th' false bottom iv th' thrunks. I give th' old an' enfeebled English gintleman that carried me satchel a piece iv silver. He touched his cap to me an' says Cue. Cue is th' English f'r I thank ye kindly in Irish.

Sez I, 'I have twenty-five more down here in a creel in the river: that's fifty-five, sez I. 'Ye can have the lot for twinty dollars. 'It's a go, sez he; an' ever since that there's letters comin' up from Washington askin' if the wather is in good ordher, and what is the accommodations? Bedad! I'm wondherin' if them as we passed wouldn't be likin' a dozen or two on the same terms?"

We ran the tracks of a lot of our sheep from the big paddock, and here they are now. I'd like to know what this means?" "Is thim your sheep?" said the bland Mick, surprised. "I wuz wondherin' whose sheep they wuz, comin' up the flat. I knew they wuzn't travellin' sheep, 'cause of gettin' no notice, an me bein' laid up in the house this two days "

So we settled it between the two of us wan day, an' she passed me her word to bring me Barney's letther if e'er a wan comes the very minute she gets it, an' if he comes himself she says she won't let on where I am, all at wanst, but she'll tell him gradual. Sometimes I do be very unaisy in me mind, Miss Mahony, I assure ye, wondherin' what he'll say when he hears.

Well, your honour, they waked him as well as they could, with what neighbours they could git togither, but by rason iv the snow, there wasn't enough gothered to make much divarsion; however it was a plisint wake enough, an' the churchyard an' the priest bein' convanient, as soon as the youngsthers had their bit iv fun and divarsion out iv the corpse, they burried it without a great dale iv throuble; an' about three days afther the berrin, ould Jim Mallowney, from th'other side iv the little hill, her own cousin by the mother's side he had a snug bit iv a farm an' a house close by, by the same token kem walkin' in to see how she was in her health, an' he dhrew a chair, an' he sot down an' beginned to convarse her about one thing an' another, antil he got her quite an' asy into middlin' good humour, an' as soon as he seen it was time: 'I'm wondherin', says he, 'Nell Gorman, sich a handsome, likely girl, id be thinkin' iv nothin' but lamintin' an' the likes, says he, 'an' lingerin' away her days without any consolation, or gettin' a husband, says he.

'Twill not be long befure th' time comes whin th' soggarth'll christen th' infant: 'Judge Pathrick Aloysius Hinnissy, iv th' Northern District iv Illinye, or 'Profissor P. Aloysius Hinnissy, LL.D., S.T.D., P.G.N., iv th' faculty iv Nothre Dame. Th' innocent child in his cradle, wondherin' what ails th' mist iv him an' where he got such funny lookin' parents fr'm, has thim to blame that brought him into th' wurruld if he dayvilops into a sicond story man befure he's twinty-wan an' is took up be th' polis.

"I do indade. It's many's the tear I've shed over him and Robert Emmet." "Then ye've not forgotten?" "Forgotten what?" "All ye learned as a child and we talked of since ye grew to a girl?" "I have not. Did ye think I would?" "No, Peg, I didn't. Still, I was wondherin' " "What would I be doin' forgettin' the things ye taught me?"