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"The belly ain't so sudden as the eye-socket, but it's more lingerin', and a heap painfuller," explained the gun man, and Speed was moved to sympathy. "Larry only wanted to please you eh, Larry?" he said, nervously, but Glass made no reply. His distended orbs were frozen upon Willie. It was doubtful if he even heard. "Our honor ain't for sale," Still Bill declared. Here Berkeley Fresno spoke.

Why, Doc Miller's made a grub-stake rebuildin' fellers that's had a lingerin' doubt cached away about that, an' now when he gets the booze up his nose them patched-up guys oozes away an' hibernates till the gas dies out in him. Afterwards he's sore on himself an' apologizes to everybody. Don't get into no trouble with him, cause he's two checks past the limit.

And some after servin' the public for years wuz banished, some beheaded, some had their eyes put out, one died of vexation, one who wuz deposed died when the bell rung in his successor. A few died in battle, but only a few on 'em passed away in their beds after a lingerin' and honorable sickness with their one wife and children weepin' about 'em.

The parts I liked, though, wa'n't the ones that Marjorie got herself worked up over. It was the balcony scene she'd come for. When they got to that she grips the seat in front and glues her eyes on them two that was swappin' the long, lingerin' breakaway tackles, and every once in awhile she heaves up a sigh like cuttin' out an airbrake.

I was a-ridin' up the river this afternoon when I see the old man cuttin' down a palo verde tree, and about forty head of cattle lingerin' around to eat the top off as soon as she hit the ground; and he says to me, kinder solemn and fatherly: "'Jeff, he says, 'cut trees for your cattle this is an año seco." "'Yes, I've heard that before, says I. 'But my cows is learnin' to climb."

I took one lingerin' last look and felt proud of myself when I saw the hump in the pack made by my bag of beans. "'That-like flummery food's no kind of diet to be trackin' up pay-rock on, I says to kind of cheer myself. "Four weeks later I struck it. And six weeks after that I had things in shape so't I was able to leave.

And as for walking I'd walk from here to Kansas City or crawl before I'd lie down on my shop like that." "Come on, kid, get busy," exclaimed Jellup again. "An' when ye start, don't bother about lingerin', because I'll be hangin' around and I'm good with this at some distance." As he spoke he drew a Colt 44 and tapped it. "Never fear, Mr. Jellup," laughed Bob.

And then well, I was watchin' the pink spread up her cheeks, and was sort of gazin' into them big gray eyes, and gen'rally takin' one of them long, lingerin' looks; and we was both leanin' back not so very far apart, with the slides of the cab shuttin' everything else out and then all of a sudden I heard her sort of whisper "Well?" and and Ah, say!

I've noticed that them guys who retire with a barrel of money usually dies at the end of the first year, of a kind of a lingerin' homesickness. You c'n see their pictures in th' papers, with a pathetic story of how they was just beginnin' t' enjoy life when along comes the grim reaper an' claims 'em." Blackie slid down in his chair and blew a column of smoke ceilingward.

That's the reason why White Lightnin' has been lingerin' here, ez ef time didn't hev no meanin' at all." Many of the Indians, and with them Girty, Wyatt and Blackstaffe were looking down the stream. The eyes of the five followed theirs and presently they saw a fleet of thirty or forty canoes emerge into view, welcomed with loud shouts by the men of Timmendiquas.