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Squire Dickson gave Tom the other seven acres, although he could have got a higher rint from others; but he was an industrious man that desarved encouragement, and he got it." "I suppose Tom was at the expense of Larry's berrin, as well as of his marriage," said Alick.

Only take tent of the bridge at the slough, two miles beyant; for there's a broken balk that may upset ye. "'I'll warrant I'll look out for that. Have one more noggin. Here's a safe journey and a dacint berrin' to us both.

"Come away, man," said Peter; "we'll talk upon it as we go along: I couldn't do readily widout it. You hard that I lost Ellish?" "Yes," replied the servant, "and I was very sorry to hear it." "Did you attind the berrin?" "No, but my master did," replied the man; "for, indeed, his respect for your wife was very great, Mr. Connell."

"Why, then, a poor berrin it was," said Tom; "a miserable sight, God knows just a few of the neighbors; for those that used to take his thrate, and while he had a shilling in his pocket blarney him up, not one of the skulking thieves showed their faces at it a good warning to foolish men that throw their money down throats that haven't hearts anundher them.

Alas for chief and followers, who to-day have no spot of ground where they can stand and cry, "Alabama!" There were several bays to be crossed before we reached a point in the marshes which extended several miles to the south, and was called Berrin Point. To the east of this was a wide bay, bounded by Cedar Point, which formed one side of the entrance to Mobile Bay.

"The occasion on which the first re-encounter between us and the O'Hallaghans took place, was a peaceable one. Several of our respective friends undertook to produce a friendly and oblivious potation between us it was at a berrin belonging to a corpse who was related to us both; and, certainly, in the beginning we were all as thick as whigged milk.

Now, above all nights in the year, who should be dead but my own full cousin, Denis Fadh God be good to him! and I, and Jack, and Dan, his brothers, while bringing; home whiskey for the wake and berrin, met them on the road.

'Jim Sulivan, says she, 'it's in your dacent coffin you should be, you unforthunate sperit, says she; 'what is it's annoyin' your sowl, in the wide world, at all? says she; 'hadn't you everything complate? says she, 'the oil, an' the wake, an' the berrin'? says she.

"Another case!" muttered Potts, making an entry. "Mary Baldwyn, daughter of Richard Baldwyn of Rough Lee, aged How old was she, sexton?" "Throtteen," replied the man; "boh dunna ax me ony more questions, mester. Th' berrin takes place i' an hour, an ey hanna half digg'd th' grave." "Your own name, Master Sexton, and I have done?" said Potts. "Zachariah Worms," answered the man.

Before they and our faction, began to quarrel, it's said that the O'Donnells, or Donnells, and they had been at it, and a blackguard set the same O'Donnells were, at all times in fair and market, dance, wake, and berrin, setting the country on fire.