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Barnstable, however, quite coolly dispossessed the tar of the bottle, and mixing for himself a more equal potation, observed, in the act: "That is the most remarkable glass of grog you have, Boltrope, that I ever sailed with; it draws as little water as the Ariel, and is as hard to find the bottom.

A corpulent man, accustomed to large potation of fermented liquors, had vehement cough, difficult breathing, anasarca of his legs, thighs, and hands, and considerable tumour, with evident fluctuation of his abdomen; his pulse was equal; his urine in small quantity, of deep colour, and turbid. These swellings had been twice considerably abated by drastic cathartics.

Hannibal was early at my door to warn me of the hour of the morning meal, Milo being still under the influences of the evening's potation. I was shown to a different apartment from that in which we had supped, but opening into it.

What intussusception, what potation, and, as a necessary consequence, alas! what rubification! But I have seen such noses. Beware of them! they are bad noses, very bad noses, I assure you.... Do not, I pray you, consider me irreverent, if I say that Nosology will prove highly favorable to the cause of religion.

Elright, shuffling off in his carpet slippers, worn out in spirit with the importunities of the stranger. There was water on the table, for it had been left there from supper time. John managed to consume a doughnut and some crackers and cheese, and then went to his room, carrying the water pitcher with him, and, after a cigarette or two and a small potation from his flask, to bed.

His contention is that the effects generally go beyond a harmlessly exhilarating point; the action of alcohol unbalances the nervous equilibrium, producing in most cases an excitement above the normal level, followed by a corresponding depressive reaction below it, creating an appetite for repeating the potation, with exactly similar and progressively aggravated results.

"Old man," said he, concluding the potation with a deep-drawn sigh, "fill to thyself-drink till thy veins feel young." Ximen obeyed the mandate but imperfectly; the wine just touched his lips, and the goblet was put aside. "Ximen," resumed the Israelite, "how many of our race have been butchered by the avarice of the Moorish kings since first thou didst set foot within the city?"

"Get me another coat, then see that I don't do anything or wear anything unusual. I have been so long out of Europe, that I don't know the customs here, and am not above learning." Kean retires, vowing that his master is an old trump; which opinion he had already expressed to Mr. Kuhn, Lady Hanne's man, over a long potation which those two gentlemen had taken together.

"Amen to your creed," said I: "edibilatory Epicurism holds the key to all morality: for do we not see now how sinful it is to yield to an obscene and exaggerated intemperance? would it not be to the last degree ungrateful to the great source of our enjoyment, to overload it with a weight which would oppress it with languor, or harass it with pain; and finally to drench away the effects of our impiety with some nauseous potation which revolts it, tortures it, convulses, irritates, enfeebles it, through every particle of its system?

The ladies of the family, who had been expecting them at an earlier hour, ran out as they reached the house. Emily hurried off her husband to change his wet clothes; while Willie, briefly describing how bravely his brother had behaved, conducted the stranger to his room, that he might go to bed, while dry garments were got for him and some hot potation was prepared.