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There is a definitely pathological trend to the cyclothymic, and in its most marked form one sees the recurring depressions and excitement of Manic Depressive Insanity. Aside from these pathological forms, there are persons who show curious periodic changes in mood. They become depressed for no especial reason, are "blue" for day after day and then quickly return to their normal.

With the Chicago outlet fairly open and in working order, and a huge tributary grain crop to be moved, it should be only a matter of days until the depressed Pacific Southwestern stock would begin to climb toward the bonding figure. This was the first triumphant conclusion, but afterward came reaction and a depressive doubt. Would the stock go up?

When the cold first became so insupportable, we attempted to live entirely in the eating-room, which is warmed by a poele, or German stove, but the kind of heat it emits is so depressive and relaxing to those who are not inured to it, that we are again returned to our large chimney and wood-fire. The French depend more on the warmth of their clothing, than the comfort of their houses.

Then Atherton launched into a description of how he had striven to find a girl who had the strong qualities his family germ plasm seemed to have lost, mainly, I gathered, resistance to a taint much like manic depressive insanity.

Crosses of different varieties of the same species with one another obviously constitute a derivative case, and should only be discussed secondarily. And crosses of varieties with positive or depressive characters have as yet so rarely been made that we may well disregard them.

In short, it means that whatever there has been to divert you, you are coming back to the resolve to study and improve yourself; to be all the stronger for having a few chance obstacles to dispose of." Luther's head began to droop a little. I thought it was time that the melancholy atmosphere of the room should have begun to exercise its usual depressive effect on his spirits.

The condition is different from the depressive stupor in that activity is more frequent, either in constant fumbling with the bed clothes or in spasmodic scolding, joking, playing of pranks, assaultiveness, erotic behavior or decoration. The affect is usually apparent in surly expression or happy, or erotic, demeanor.

Later there were at times ideas expressed which referred to the actual situation or essentially depressive ideas in a depressive setting.

And that idea also helped when the atmosphere of worry about money matters surrounding his mother became too intense and depressive. There was comparatively little of it that summer.

Put a good, stiff bone in your back, and remember that we shan't let up, day or night any of us until you're free again. Good-by, old man, and God help you!" Skies of Brass The depressive journey from Colorado to the Middle West records itself in memory as a dismal dream out of which there were awakenings only for train-changings or a word of talk now and then with Cummings.