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Mrs Varley's heart beat high, and her face flushed with pride as she gazed at her son, who laid the rifle on the table for her inspection, while he rattled off an animated and somewhat disjointed account of the match. "Deary me! now that was good; that was cliver. But what's that scraping at the door?" "Oh! that's Fan; I forgot her. Here! here! Fan!

Joe! open the door smart for Mr. McBride! Well, Pat Coxe, what news of the thing in hand? Enter PAT COXE. Pat. Out of hand clane! that job's nately done. The turf-rick, sir, 's built up cliver, with the malt snug in the middle of its stomach so were the shupervishor a conjuror even, barring he'd dale with the ould one, he'd never suspict a sentence of it. O'Bla.

Christy. It's only these apples, see! You'll make me an apple-pie, Biddy, smart. Biddy. Save us, sir! And how will I ever get time, when I've the hash to make for them Scotch yet? Christy. There's a nice girl, and a 'cute cliver girl, worth a dozen of your Ferrinafads.

Sambo could speak a little English, having wrought for several years on the coffee plantation of a Yankee settler. He was a bit of a wag, too, much to the indignation of his grave master, the Senhor Antonio, who abhorred jesting. "Ye're too cliver, avic," said Barney, with a patronizing smile; "take care ye don't use up yer intellect too fast. It hurts the constitution in the long-run."

"Well, well, now that was cliver; but ." Here the old woman paused and looked grave. "But what, mother?" "You'll be wantin' to go off to the mountains now, I fear me, boy." "Wantin' now!" exclaimed the youth earnestly; "I'm always wantin'. I've bin wantin' ever since I could walk; but I won't go till you let me, mother, that I won't!"

Oh, they be cliver creturs, and they'll do what they likes with old Nick, when they gets there, for 'tis the old gentlemen they cozens the best; and then," continued the Corporal, waxing more and more loquacious, for his appetite in talking grew with that it fed on, "then there be another set o' queer folks you'll see in Lunnon, Sir, that is, if you falls in with 'em, hang all together, quite in a clink.

Lossing he is mighty cliver with his hands! I was there with my wife and making for the seats that the fools quit, so's to get under and crawl out under the canvas, when I see Mrs. Ellis holding two of the children, and that fool girl let the other go and I grabbed it. 'Oh, save the baby! save one, anyhow, cries my wife the woman is a tinder-hearted crechure!

I liked him as well or better as any man I'd ever seen i' one way, and yet I hated him wi' all my heart i' t'other, and we watched each other like cat and mouse, but civil as you please, for I was on my best behavior, and he was that fair and open that I was bound to be fair with him. Rare good company he was, if I hadn't wanted to wring his cliver little neck half of the time.

But Patsy, darlin', Oi want ye to give up the swearin' and listen to Marion yonder, who'll be afther tellin' ye good things an' cliver things." "But, dad," persisted the little boy, "won't I be " "Hush now, Patsy," said his father hurriedly. "Don't ye want to go on the pony with Marion? Come on now, an' Oi'll put ye up."

Yer mither must be looked after; but i' the meantime let me tell ye that yer uncle Daavid is a douce, cliver felly, an' fears naething i' this warld. If he did, he wadna be amang the intercommuned. Be sure he's no' the man to leave his sister Maggie in trouble. Of course ye'll be wantin' to be aff to look after her." "Of course instantly," said Wallace. "Na.