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Even now two of the ablest prelates of the most liberal of the Protestant American bodies, Bishop Cleveland Coxe of Western New York, and Bishop Beckwith of Georgia, the latter of whom I met the other day in Rome on his return from Palestine, are promoting what looks very much like a crusade against the plan for establishing a Catholic University at Washington.

Below Bryantown run certain deep and slimy swamps, along the belt of these Booth and Harold picked up a negro named Swan, who volunteered to show them the road for two dollars; they gave him five more to show them the route to Allen's Fresh, but really wished, as their actions intimated, to gain the house of one Sam. Coxe, a notorious rebel, and probably well advised of the plot.

Tagrag, who had come back; their Excellencies Mace and Punter, who were on a visit; and a number of horses walking up and down before the whole of the gentlemen of the hunt, who had come in after losing their fox! "Here's Squire Coxe!" shouted the grooms.

London. 4to. 1800. The following work, though relating rather to discoveries in the sea between Asia and America, than to attempts for a north-east or north-west passage, may be placed here, as a continuation of the work of Muller, which comes no farther down than the expedition of Behring, in 1741. Account of the Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. By William Coxe, 1780. 8vo.

Gibson took no notice of this speech, but went on, 'Inducing one of my servants to risk her place, without offering her the slightest equivalent, by begging her to convey a letter clandestinely to my daughter a mere child. 'Miss Gibson, sir, is nearly seventeen! I heard you say so only the other day, said Mr. Coxe, aged twenty. Again Mr. Gibson ignored the remark.

Among those who promptly adopted the staple was Richard Leake, who wrote from Savannah at the end of 1788 to Tench Coxe: "I have been this year an adventurer, and the first that has attempted on a large scale, in the article of cotton. Several here as well as in Carolina have followed me and tried the experiment.

Coxe, III. 196-205. Marlborough's Despatches, IV. 49. Desp. Coxe, IV. 128-131. Desp. Coxe, IV. 130-132. The States have used this country so ill, that I noways doubt but all the towns in it will play us the same trick as Ghent if they have the power." Marlborough to Godolphin, July 9, 1708. Coxe, IV. 38.

Coxe can afford such a gown I can't make out for one, for I know Coxe had some difficulty in paying for the last sheep he bought of my brother.

But what must I think of a young woman in your position, engaged yet "accepting most graciously," for that was the way Coxe expressed it the overtures of another man? Do you consider what unnecessary pain you have given him by your thoughtless behaviour? I call it "thoughtless," but it is the mildest epithet I can apply to it.

'Well, well, don't go on arguing, it always gives me a headache, as Phoebe knows. I didn't mean what I said, that's enough, isn't it? I'll retract anything sooner than be reasoned with. Where were we before you began your arguments? 'About dear little Molly coming to pay us a visit, said Miss Phoebe. 'I should have asked you at first, only Coxe was so rampant with his love.