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"Jis' don't go pitchin' into me and callin' me names," retorted Vic; "'cause I won't stand it." "Ladies, ladies!" interposed Dolf. "Don't resturb de harmonium of our walk by any onpleasant words." "I ain't a sayin' nothin'," said Vic. "Yer've said more'n I," returned Clo, "and I ain't gwine to be pushed inter de ditch by nobody thar!"

He continued imperturbably “I ’lowed to stop here on a little matter o’ business. ’Tis some out o’ mu way; more’n I’d calc’lated. You couldn’t tell the ixact distance from here to Colfax, could you?” Thérèse rather impatiently gave him the desired information, and begged that he would disclose his business with her. “Wall,” he said, “onpleasant news ’ll keep most times tell you’re ready fur it.

So he ate and drank with just as good an appetite as ever when dinnertime came though it was later than usual, through Snowball not having been able to light the galley fire till nearly dark; and, on the arrival, according to Mr Zachariah Lathrope's reckoning, of bedtime, he curled himself up in his bunk, going to sleep as composedly as if he had been safe and sound ashore, with the comforting assurance to the others, as he said "good-night," that "if things should kinder turn out onpleasant, why, I guess they'll rouse me up!"

Them is onpleasant rickollections, ladies, and it makes my blood creep to this day to see an iceberg in konsikence; but a man must do his dooty, whatsomever do betide. It was in the dead of night, and Hans Schuyler had the wheel, I remember, when we went to pieces on that iceberg, all for disregarding the captain's orders; you see, he meant to graze it like!"

Will ye try hit?" "Why don't you bring back the information yourself? Can't you come back through the lines as easily as you go?" "I mout, an' then ag'in I moutn't. Every time I go inter the Rebel camps the chances get stronger thet I'll never come back ag'in. Ez Harry Glen sez, the circle o' my onpleasant acquaintances the fellers thet's reachin' fur my top-knot widens.

Jerome, in a very serious tone, when tea had been distributed, 'let me hear how you're a-goin' on about the lectur. When I was i' the town yisterday, I heared as there was pessecutin' schemes a-bein' laid again' you. I fear me those raskills 'll mek things very onpleasant to you.

It wuz dretful windy and onpleasant at first. It is much pleasanter to read about a monsoon in Jonesville with your feet on a base burner than to experience one on a steamer. Everything swayed and tipped and swung, that could, even to our stomachs. We only made a short stop at Saigon a hotter place I wuz never in.

'If theer's an onpleasant thing to do it's best doon quickly yo mun go back and do your duty. Coom and see us when yo're passin again. An say good-bye to 'Lias. He's that wick this mornin ain't yo, 'Lias? And with a tender cheerfulness she ran across to 'Lias and told him Davy was going. 'Good-bye, Davy, my lad, good-bye, murmured the old man, as he felt the boy's strong fingers touching his.

Forsythe hurried around to the front of the school-house, making no reply. "Nice, pleasant evening to be free," went on Jasper Kemp, looking up at the stars. "Rather onpleasant for some folks that have to be shut up in jail." Forsythe wheeled upon him. "What do you mean?" he demanded, angrily, albeit he was white with fear. "Oh, nothing much," drawled Jasper, affably.

Ve Blitzenbergs have ze gift to dream." The Baron rose from the table and lit a cigar. After three puffs he threw it from him. "I cannot smoke," he said dismally. "It has a onpleasant taste." The Count assumed a seriously thoughtful air. "No doubt you will wish to see Miss Maddison as soon as possible and get it over," he began. "I have just learned that their place is about seven miles away.