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"The 'Guzzuh'?" queried Stone. "You rode up, then?" "Nope. The Guzzuh is me little old racin'-car. I christened her that right after I got so as I could climb on to her without her pitchin' me off. She's some bronc' she is." Overland Red, despite his outward regeneration, was Overland Red still, only a little more so.

When I think of the fellers back in the alleys pitchin' pennies I tell you I'd ruther die than go back. Here a feller feels he's alive. I wish I'd paid more attention to my writin' in the night school, but I guess I was pretty much of a fool them days, and you were awful good to me.

I never feel the land heavin' an' pitchin' under me, an' it gives me more of a safe an' home feelin'." "Watch, everybody, for a landing place," said Henry, "and Paul, you steer." The green shore began to rise, showing a long unbroken wall of forest, but the dusk was coming too, and all of them were anxious to make land.

I'm sure I don't know what it is all about. I was working as hard as I could and all at once he began pitching into me." "Pitchin' into you? How?" "Oh, I don't know. Something about my looks he didn't like, I guess. Wanted to know if I thought I was as handsome as he was, or something like that." "Eh? I never neither! All I said was " Mr. Keeler raised his hand.

Of coorse I warn't goin' below for such a small matter, so I pulls out my hankerchief, an' says I to the little man that lost his hat, `Just take a round turn here, Jim, says I, `an' I'll be ready for action again in two minutes. Jim, he tied it up, but before he quite done it, the round shot was pitchin' into us like hail, cuttin' up the sails and riggin' most awful.

"'Tisn't Bryan alone, Mack's th' same way. They're both ancesther worshippers, like th' Chinese, Hinnissy. An' what I'd like to know is what Thomas Jefferson knew about th' throubles iv ye an' me? Divvle a wurrud have I to say again' Thomas. He was a good man in his day, though I don't know that his battin' av'rage 'd be high again' th' pitchin' iv these times.

"Oh!" sais I, "we won't say no more about that; I only meant it as a joke, and nothin' more. But railly now, Abednego, what is the state of our legation?" "'I don't see nothin' ridikilous, sais he, 'in that are expression, of Hope pitchin' her tent on a hill. It's figurativ' and poetic, but it's within the line that divides taste from bombast. Hope pitchin' her tent on a hill!

"Some pitchin', Loo-tenant," he panted beamingly, stepping back into shelter. "Hark at 'em. And every darn one right over the plate. Say, step out here an' watch this next lot." "No time now," said Courtenay hurriedly. "They're strengthening their defense every minute. Are you all ready there, lads?" "I don't know who this man is, sir," said a sergeant quickly. "But he's doing great work.

The cow paster wuz to be used for Equinomical and Agricultural displays and also Peaceful Industries and Inventions, and the lane leadin' up to the barn from the lower paster he laid out to use as a Pike for all sorts of amusements, pitchin' quaits, bull-in-the-barnyard, turnin' hand-springs and summer sets, etc., etc.

"We're up against it," Delaney was saying. "This new umpire, Fuller, hasn't got it in for us. Oh, no, not at all! Believe me, he's a robber. But Scott is pitchin' well. Won his last three games. He'll bother 'em. And the three Reds have broken loose. They're on the rampage. They'll burn up this place today." Somebody noted the absence of Gilbat. Delaney gave a sudden start.