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"Battin' practice!" he ordered, sharply. "Two hits and a bunt to-day. Get a start on the bunt and dig for first. Hustle now!" He placed one player to pitch to the hitters, another to catch, and as soon as the hitters had their turn they took to fielding. Two turns for each at bat left the coach more than dissatisfied. "You're all afraid of the ball," he yelled. "This ain't no dodgin' game.

"Where's Nickerson?" demanded Hardenberg. "That's it," answered the colonial. "That's where it's 'ell. Listen naow. He goes ashore along o' us, quiet and peaceable like, never battin' a eye, we givin' him a bit o' jolly, y' know, to keep him chirked up as ye might s'y. But so soon as ever he sets foot on shore, abaout faice he gaoes, plumb into the Custom's orfice. I s'ys, 'Wot all naow, messmite?

It ain't addin' a heap to the morals of the outfit for the men to know a man can rustle cattle that promiscuous an' the boss not battin' an eyewinker. This is the fourth time he's been caught with the goods to say nothin' of the times he's done it without nobody gittin' wise an' the boys is beginnin' to ask questions, bein' a heap puzzled because somethin' don't happen to Joe."

I first met Bull McGinty in Shanghai Nelson's boarding house, over in Oregon Street, not three blocks from where we're settin' now. I was twenty years old an' holdin' a second mate's ticket, for I'd been battin' around the world on clipper ships since I was fourteen, an' I'd bit my way to the front quicker than most. Bull was a big dark man, edgin' up onto the thirty mark.

If it hadn't been that Mr. Robert had put it up to me so flat, I'd have quit then. But I couldn't lay down with just a look; so I takes a turn around into the passenger waitin' room, battin' my head for a new line. I guess it was kind of second sight that steers me over into the corner where there is an A. D. T. branch.

Burlingame goes in for lookin' like a picture in a frame gold seals hangin' beyant his vestpocket, broad silk cord to his eye-glass, loose flowin' tie, and long hair-makes him look pretentuous and showy. But your 'Mr. Kerry, sir, he don't have anny tricks to make him look like a doge from Veenis and all the eyes of the females battin' where'er he goes.

Well, I was too put out at first to notice what the bat did after I got him out o' my head, but when I went upstairs I found him circlin' everywhere in a way as took every bit of home feelin' out of the house an' I just saw that I'd have no peace till I could be alone with Elijah again. So I got up an' got a broom an' went a battin' for all I was worth. Well, Mrs.

Besides, even with her sittin' right there in the room, there's a lot doin' that she ain't in on. Trust Vee. Say, she can drum out classical stuff on the piano and fire a snappy line of repartee at me all the while, just loud enough for me to catch and no more, without battin' an eye. Say, I'm gettin' quite a musical education, just helpin' to stall off Auntie that way.

"Here's you an' me an' Smoke gettin' outside ninety dollars' worth of eggs an' not battin' an eye." Wild Water stared at the rapidly disappearing eggs and seemed petrified. "Pitch in an' eat," Smoke encouraged. "They they ain't worth no ten dollars," Wild Water said slowly. Shorty accepted the challenge. "A thing's worth what you can get for it, ain't it?" he demanded. "Yes, but "

Mills steps up smilin'. I should judge he was a fairly smooth, high-polished gent as a rule; but after Ruby has turned that stupid, stary look on him, without battin' an eyelash or liftin' an eyebrow, the smile fades out. She don't say a word or make a move: just continues to stare. As for Oakley, he shifts uneasy on his feet and flushes up under the eyes. "Well?" says he.