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"Mebbe I hev a surprise up my sleeve fer you boys," Captain Lem said, his eyes twinkling as he saw their long faces on hearing the news of delay. "Wouldn't mind addin' a little excitement ter the end of the trip, would ye?" "We're aching for it," returned Billy promptly. "This has been an awfully long day, you know, captain."

Also there's quite a sprinklin' of widows, gay and otherwise, and the usual bunch of young folks, addin' lively touches here and there. All city people, you know, playin' at bein' in the country, but insistin' on Broadway food at Broadway prices.

Joe jingled his silver in his pocket and spat importantly on the floor. "I tell you, when I married," said Jud, "I seed nothin' but poverty an' the multiplication of my part of the earth ahead of me poverty, I tell you, starvation an' every new chile addin' to it. And now I say to the young folks: 'Marry an' multiply an' the cash will be forthcomin'."

F' instance, in addin' up a colume o' figgers, ef she comes to a aught which some calls 'em naughts she'll say, "Aught's a aught," an' Sonny ain't been learned to say it that a-way; an' so maybe when she says, "Aught's a aught," he'll say, "Who said it wasn't!" an' that puts her out in countin'.

"Not content," he said, "vith writin' up Pickwick, they puts 'Moses' afore it, vich I call addin' insult to injury, as the parrot said ven they not only took him from his native land, but made him talk the English langvidge arterwards."

They brood over their wrongs through long days and nights, unsolaced by daily papers and latest telegraphic news, and their famished, freezin' bodies addin' their terrible pangs to their soul's distress.

He couldn't count a thousan' dollars in an hour, an', as for addin' up a row o' figures, he couldn't git it twice alike, I don't believe, if he was to be hung for't." "He must understand the meaning of his own books and accounts, I should think," remarked John. "Oh," said Chet scornfully, "anybody c'd do that.

He looked at the footing of it. Then he looked at the items. Then he looked at Silas Peckham. At this moment Silas was sublime. He was so transcendently unconscious of the emotions going on in Mr. Bernard's mind at the moment, that he had only a single thought. "The accaount's correc'ly cast, I presoom; if the' 's any mistake of figgers or addin' 'em up, it'll be made all right.

Mark, how is things at the Light?" "Squally as t' Susan Jane. Seein' others spry while she's chained by the stroke ain't addin' t' Susan Jane's Christian qualities." "Stormin' at Janet?" "Janet comes in fur her share, but David gets the toughest blasts. I don't see how Davy weathers it, an' still keeps a song an' a smile."

When co-operative business would equalize wealth to a greater degree when the government would control the great enterprises, needed by all, but addin' riches to but few when comfort would nourish self-respect, and starved vice retreat before the dawnin' light of happiness.