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"You might very well be his father. But hullo, sir, are you aware that you are wearing my studs and my watch-chain?" "Donnerwetter!" hiccoughed the other. "If those are not the trousers for which my tailor is about to sue me, may I never taste beer again."

The next moment one of the headlights in the grey motor flashed out, almost blinding the the rest of them, as they held up their hands. In its light from the car, four men, well armed with revolvers, were revealed. "Donnerwetter!" said one. "I made sure there were four of them! So! Vell, it is enough. Into the car with them!" No pretence about this chap! He was German, and didn't care who knew it.

One of them, strangely enough, ejaculated "Himmel" and "Donnerwetter" as often as "Bismillah" and "Inshallah" when he swore.

"He says, 'Donnerwetter! What see I?" Hugh answered; "but he ties a red worsted round his first-class experiments and then we know. He has tied all my new grapes up except the bunch he took home."

The heavy door swung slowly inward, and with a wild rush to be first, we surged headlong into the hall. As the heavy door clanged behind us some one upon the outside began pounding upon it, while with deadly chug a bullet crashed into the oaken panel. "Donnerwetter!" shouted a deep voice, wildly. "Captain, I am yet out mit der bullets."

We'll quote that, and then let you off for the day. Heine was living in Paris in the forties, and used to visit a curious revolutionary freak named Ludwig Borne. In the background several polar bears were crouching, who smoked and hardly ever spoke, except to growl out now and then a real fatherland 'Donnerwetter' in a deep bass voice.

Alice smiled into his broad, good humored face. "That's very silly of them." "Donnerwetter! Some day they will laugh the other way around," he threatened. Benito and Sutro usually drove or rode through the Presidio and out along a road which skirted cliffs and terminated at the Seal Rock House. There they dined and watched the seals disporting on some sea-drenched rocks, a stone's throw distant.

The Baron appeared mystified by the juxtaposition of ideas, but serenely expressed himself as ready to entrust this and all other arrangements for the Hechnahoul Gathering to the ingenious Count, as some small compensation for so conspicuously outshining him. The day of the Gathering broke gray and still, and the Baron, who was no weather prophet, declared gloomily "It vill rain. Donnerwetter!"

Hark ye! let me have pen and ink and I'll write an account of the whole to our house, and leave me alone a couple of hours, will ye; and let them take away that piece of carrion, donnerwetter! Mac-Morlan deemed it the best way to humour the savage; he was furnished with writing materials and left alone.

A band of galloping centaurs closed in around the mail wagon. One of them leaned over the front wheel, covered the driver with his revolver, and ordered him to stop. Others caught at the bridles of Donder and Blitzen. "Donnerwetter! " shouted Fritz, with all his tremendous voice "wass ist? Release your hands from dose mules. Ve vas der United States mail!"