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He was givin' an order to bolster up Blitzen by buyin' up to a hundred thousand shares, and in the package was a bunch of gilt-edged securities to cover the margins. Now wouldn't that jiggle the grapes on sister's new lid? Piddie, a narrow-gauge, dime-pinchin' ink-slinger, doin' the bull act like he was a sooty plute from Pittsburg! That's what comes of swallowin' the get-rich-fast bug.

Come along with me," and they pushed past the troopers until they arrived at the head of the column, when the officer reported to the colonel. "Donner Blitzen!" the latter exclaimed, "it is well that we learned this news, for we should have fared very ill if we had come upon horse and foot together. The Poitou regiment!

I'm only sending him to-day to see what he'll do, but of course he never figured to beat horses like Blitzen. Not enough class." Curly McManus forced his way into Zanzibar's stall and moved to the far corner where Johnson followed him. "Curry is in the betting ring," McManus whispered. "Well, what of that?" "He's betting an awful chunk of dough on Elijah; they're giving him 4 and 5 to 1."

"Blitzen," says he. "It's on the seesaw; but'll fetch fifty." "Ain't it a wildcat?" says I. "Just from the menagerie," says he. "Goin' to take a dollar flyer?" "Guess I'll see what my brokers has to say first," says I.

'Where are you, Mother Deyvilson? he said, with somewhat of a foreign accent, though speaking perfectly good English. 'Donner and blitzen! we have been staying this half- hour. Come, bless the good ship and the voyage, and be cursed to ye for a hag of Satan!

'Where are you, Mother Deyvilson? he said, with somewhat of a foreign accent, though speaking perfectly good English. 'Donner and blitzen! we have been staying this half- hour. Come, bless the good ship and the voyage, and be cursed to ye for a hag of Satan!

"Donner und blitzen, you Grasshobber, you my neck brek yet, I dink," roared Schmidt, gazing at the disaster. "Vos iss los mit you, any vay, you bad Grasshobber. Himmel! dot propeller almost takes my nose off. Aber nicht, I am a dunderhead. I forget to turn der switch; dot's vy I can't stob der Grasshobber ven she hobs avay."

'Ay, ay, donner and blitzen! HE'S your affair, said the Captain. 'How do you really know that he is in this country? 'Why, Gabriel saw him up among the hills. 'Gabriel! who is he? 'A fellow from the gipsies, that, about eighteen years since, was pressed on board that d d fellow Pritchard's sloop-of-war.

He looked wildly at me as if he did not know who I was; swore the oaths of his country, in which the words "teufel, donner, blitzen," rang pre-eminently; used threats against me, as the cause of all that had occurred to him and his companion. Then he looked at the corpse, and, in a paroxysm of madness, struck the mattock into its white bosom, accompanying his action with wild oaths.

His head clerk awaited, as usual, for any orders which might arise from their contents; and was not a little surprised to observe the brow of his wealthy employer suddenly clouded; again and again he perused the letter he held, at last audibly giving vent to his feelings "Donder and blitzen!" he burst forth, "but this is a shock, who would have thought it?