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You've given me a positive fright!" He frowned the blacker as the baker smiled from ear to ear. "Vy, Toctor, I hope you ugscooce me! I yoost taught you voot like to herr udt. Undt Missis Reisen sayce, 'Reisen, you yoost co undt tell um. I taught udt voot pe blessant to you to know tatt you hett sendt me teh fynust pissness mayn I effer het apowdt me.

The limp, white shirt-collar just below was without a necktie, and the waist of his pantaloons, which seemed intended to supply this deficiency, did not quite, but only almost reached up to the unoccupied blank. He removed from his respectful head a soft gray hat, whitened here and there with flour. "Yentlemen," he said, slowly, "you vill ugscooce me to interruptet you, yentlemen."

He sayss, 'Reisen, he sayss, 'you yoost co to Toctor Tsewier." He bent his great body over the farther end of the table and slowly worked out his name, street, and number. "Dtere udt iss, Toctor; I put udt town on teh schlate; ovver, I hope you ugscooce te hayndtwriding." "Very well. That's right. That's all." The German lingered. The Doctor gave a bow of dismission. "That's all, I say.

"Toctor, you ugscooce me ovver" the baker held the Doctor by the elbow as he began to turn away "Toctor Tseweer," the great face lighted up with a smile, the large body doubled partly together, and the broad left hand was held ready to smite the thigh, "you shouldt see Mr. Richlun ven he fowndt owdt udt is goin' to lower teh price of prate! I taught he iss goin' to kiss Mississ Reisen!"

Undt you mus' ugscooce me, Toctor, to callin' on you, ovver I vish you come undt see mine" To the surprise of all, tears gushed from his eyes. "Mine poor vife, Toctor!" He turned to one side, pointed his broad hand toward the floor, and smote his forehead.

"Toctor," said the owner of this face, lifting an immense open hand, "Toctor, uf you bleace, Toctor, you vill bleace ugscooce me." The Doctor frowned at the servant for permitting the interruption. But the gentleman beside him said: "Let him come in, sir; he seems to be in haste, sir, and I am not, I am not, at all." "Come in," said the physician. The new-comer stepped into the room.

I'll be there in a moment. That's all. Dan, order my carriage!" "Yentlemen, you vill ugscooce me?" The German withdrew, returning each gentleman's bow with a faint wave of the hat. During this interview the more polished stranger had sat with bowed head, motionless and silent, lifting it only once and for a moment at the German's emotional outburst.