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Robertson's Tour through the Isle of Man, 1794. 8vo. Wood's Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man, 1811. 8vo. Falle's Account of Jersey, 1734, 8vo. Berry's History of Guernsey, with particulars of Alderney, Sark, and Jersey, 1815. 4to. Dicey's Account of Guernsey, 1751. 12mo. Neueste reisen durch Schottland and Ireland. Von Volkman. Leip. 1784. 8vo.

The detailed reasons for our opinion that Serbal is the Sinai of the Scriptures, which Lepsius expressed before its and others share with us may be found in our works: "Durch Gosen zum Sinai, aus dem Wanderbuch and der Bibliothek." 2 Aufl. Leipzig. 1882. Wilh. They pressed cautiously forward; for the remainder of the defeated Amalekites might be lying in ambush.

The title of this work would not lead the reader to expect what he will find; valuable notices on mineralogy, agriculture, arts, and manufactures, in the midst of light and lively sketches of manners, places of amusement, &c. Reise durch Sacksen. Von N.G. Leske. Leips. 1785. 4to. Natural history and economy. Beobachtungen uber Natur und Menschen. Von F.E. Lieberoth. Frankfort, 1791. 8vo.

"Jene Tanzerinn Fliegt, mit leichtem Sinn Und noch leichtern Kleide Durch den Saal der Freude Wie ein Zephyr bin, etcetera." The head of Jedediah Hazlet was somewhat confused, when, after the play and an oyster supper in the cider cellars, it sank deep into the reposeful down of a spare chamber in the gay Sir Rollo Bruce's London house. The next morning was Sunday.

Doch lass’ ich, wenn mir’s Kurzweil schafft, Die Hülfe fleh’nden Armen Durch meinen Schweitzer, Peter Kraft, Zerprügeln ohn’ Erbarmen.” Goeckingk openly satirizes the sentimental cult in the poemDer Empfindsame

In fact, we could almost sympathise in our cold, matter-of-fact American way with the sentimental German inscription which we read on the wall: Von Nuvolau's hohen Wolkenstufen Lass mich, Natur, durch deine Himmel rufen An deiner Brust gesunde, wer da krank! So wird zum Volkerdank mein Sachsendank.

To such works, as well as to minute biography, time gives a value and utility, which they do not intrinsically possess. Itinerarium Portugalensium e Lusitania in Indiam et inde in Occidentem et demum ad Aquilonem, ab. Arch. Madrignan. 1508. fol. Originally published in Portuguese. Josten, Reisebeschreibung durch die Turkey, Ungern, Polen, Reussen, Bohemen, &c. neue Jerusalem, Ost und West Indien.

Now the formula of Treitschke was opposed by that of Bluntschli, Einheit durch Freiheit "Unity through liberty." This doctrine, which counted at that time some eminent advocates, aimed first to safeguard the independence and unity of the German States and then to establish between them on that basis a federated union.

Solches durch seine subtilne Kunst hat gethan, Und des Teufels Lohn empfangen davon. 1525." On neither of the two pictures does Mephistopheles appear, unless he is meant to be represented in the shape of the black dog. It is not, however, Goethe's poodle that meets us here, but a sleek little creature with a collar around his neck, looking very much like a wooden toy-dog.

As soon as a thought has found words it no longer exists in us or is serious in its deepest sense. When it begins to exist for others it ceases to live in us; just as a child frees itself from its mother when it comes into existence. The poet has also said: "Ihr m�sst mich nicht durch Widerspruch verwirren! Sobald man spricht, beginnt man schon zu irren."