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Limov., in Recueil des Hist. de la France, xxi., 784. C.V. Langlois' Le Règne de Philippe le Hardi , and Gavrilovitch's Le Traité de Paris, give the best modern accounts of Edward's early dealings with the French crown. It was nearly ten years since the presence of the monarch had restrained the turbulence of the Gascon duchy.

Thus, for instance, the Wolufs of Senegal ask each other, 'What flies for ever, and rests never? Answer, 'The Wind. 'Who are the comrades that always fight, and never hurt each other? 'The Teeth. In France, as we read in the 'Recueil de Calembours, the people ask, 'What runs faster than a horse, crosses water, and is not wet? Answer, 'The Sun. The Samoans put the riddle, 'A man who stands between two ravenous fishes? Answer, 'The tongue between the teeth. Again, 'There are twenty brothers, each with a hat on his head? Answer, 'Fingers and toes, with nails for hats. This is like the French 'un pere a douze fils? 'l'an. A comparison of M. Rolland's 'Devinettes' with the Woluf conundrums of Boilat, the Samoan examples in Turner's' Samoa, and the Scotch enigmas collected by Chambers, will show the identity of peasant and savage humour.

"Ursule Rath, servant to an emigre arrested for the purpose of knowing what her master had concealed.... Marie Faber, on suspicion of having served in a priest's house." Archives Nationales, AF., II., 135. One, a professional nurse, is an "aristocrat and fanatic." "Recueil de Pieces, etc.," II., 220.

The close relations between England and France for the whole of this period render the French chronicles by far the most important of foreign sources for English history. They are enumerated in detail by Auguste Molinier in vols. iii. The chief French chronicles of the period 1226-1328 are collected in vols. xx.-xxiv. of the Recueil des Historiens de la France begun by Dom Bouquet.

For the facts, dates, and original pieces of this century, you will find them in Lamberti, till the year 1715, and after that time in Rousset's 'Recueil'.

Letter of May, 23rd, 1704. Geffroy's Recueil, p. 169. But the letters likewise of the great King which have come down to us, show that there was no need of the foolish insult conveyed by her own epistle, to make him angry with Madame des Ursins.

In 1665, the Châtelet ordered to be burnt Claude Joly's Recueil des Maximes véritables et importantes pour l'Institution du Roi, contre la fausse et pernicieuse politique de Cardinal prétendu surintendant de l'éducation de Louis XIV. ; a book which, if it had been regarded instead of being burnt, might have altered the character of that pernicious devastator, and therefore of history itself, very much for the better.

When the event was an unlucky one, the song was a burlesquely pathetic complaint, and always with a vein of raillery running through it. Such was the effusion with which every ruelle rang, and it was really set to music, for the notation is still to be found in the Recueil de Chansons notées, preserved at the Arsenal at Paris. It ran thus:

In the case of so important a structure, the number of altars was naturally more numerous. See Heuzey's note in De Sarzec's Découvertes en Chaldée, p. 65. See pp. 109 seq. See p. 106. Recueil des Travaux, etc., xvii. 39. See pp. 140 seq. See p. 110. Nebuchadnezzar, IR. 65, col. i. ll. 34, 35. This is to be concluded from Nebuchadnezzar, ib. l. 32.

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