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The originality in design of the spires and towers of Copenhagen is quite remarkable. Vor Frelsers Kirke, or Church of Our Saviour, has an outside staircase, running round the outside of its spire, which leads up to a figure of our Saviour, and from this height you get a fine view of the city.

I will rink the pell for a prandy-ant-zoda, ant you shall lie town vor a leettle while. It was the thick-set Evariste who brought the syphon bottle and the small carafe of brandy and the tumblers, and it was she who caught Paul on her broad Flemish bosom when the drink, which he had accepted soberly, went the wrong way, and with a wild snort into his tumbler he fell backwards.

It's well vor un I could not get at un: I'd a lick'd un; I'd a spoil'd his caterwauling; I'd a taught the son of a whore to meddle with meat for his master. He shan't ever have a morsel of meat of mine, or a varden to buy it: if she will ha un, one smock shall be her portion. I'd sooner ge my esteate to the zinking fund, that it may be sent to Hanover to corrupt our nation with."

He yearned with a poet's yearning for the wide sky, the far-reaching vista of bridges, the tender and fluctuating lights on the water which seems to breathe with a life that can shiver and mourn, be comforted and rejoice. "Vor den Wissenden sich stellen Sicher ist's in alien Fällen!

"My pizziness!" ejaculated the thing, "vy vat a low-bred puppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness!" This language was rather more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt-cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder.

In their joint life, outwardly so quiet, there was the one disturbing element the weakness to which Pons sacrificed, the insatiable craving to dine out. Whenever Schmucke happened to be at home while Pons was dressing for the evening, the good German would bewail this deplorable habit. "Gif only he vas ony fatter vor it!" he many a time cried.

It's noa an inn, but the colonel zees company vor the vun o' the thing 'cause he loikes to zee company about 'un. You must 'a heard ov him Colonel Rogers a' used to be a soger once." "Say no more," cried the major. "I have heard of this hospitable gentleman; and his having been in the army gives me a sure claim to his attention. Here's a crown for your information, my good friend.

"The dickens you say," said she as she drew her revolver, and sung out, "let go that horse," and firing at the German. "Kritz-dunnerwetter," said the German, as he got down by the horse's fore feet, and held on to the bridle, "vot vor you choot a man ven he holt your horse?" "Madame," I said, "your revolver is loaded with blank cartridges, and you can do no harm. Try another one on the Irishman."

By this time they were at the foot of the pile of rocks, and the lad was standing some ten feet above them. "Oi tell ee," he repeated doggedly, "yoi've got vor to go back."

Dey said I'd god doo hang again vanst more if I ever grossed de Ohio Ribber vunst again already, but I ton't vants doo hang no more vor noddin already." "But I'll take care of that," said Andrew. "Before to-morrow night I'll make your house the safest place in Clark township. I've got the rascals by the throat now. Trust me."