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Viola tried for a brief time to reason with her, and present their plea for the mission school, but, finding it was useless to remain longer, told Mose to drive away. When they had reached the shelter of the woods the slave said: "Ah neber hurd a deck han' on de ribber cuss and swear lak dat po' white woman."

"Nimbus, dar's a heap ob cullud folks libbin' jes one way an' anudder from dis yer Red Wing cross-roads." "Co'se dey is, an' dat's de berry reason I'se sot my heart on yer habbin' a shop right h'yer. Yer shore ter git de wuk ob de whole country roun', an' der's mo' cullud folks right up an' down de creek an' de ribber h'yer dan ennywhar hereabouts dat I knows on."

Ise ti'd ob de wa', Ise been cookin', sah, for de 'Sesh. He say he gwine to whip dem Yankees on de ribber, dat dey am gwine to come right on and drive dem in de ribber and drown dem like cats; dat's what he say, sho'. I heah him wid dese old ears, I did. "'When did he say he was coming?

But by a little species of bribery they managed to induce some of their visitors to sing the "S'wanee Ribber," "Massa's in de Cold, Cold Groun'," "Black Joe," and others of a similar nature. "Dear Ole Hom'ny Corn" seemed to be a prime favorite among them, and the boys themselves never tired of joining in the chorus.

Oh, way down 'pon the Swa-a-nee ribber " He broke into dolorous song and turned back into the cookhouse. Benton's hard-set face relaxed. He laughed shortly. "Takes all kinds to make a world," he commented. "Don't look so horrified, Sis. This isn't the regular order of events. It's just an accumulation and it sort of got me going. Here's the boys."

At Ellaville, sixty-five miles from Tallahassee, they saw great saw-mills, and directly they crossed one of the most famous rivers in the country, the Suwannee, and Ruth hummed softly, "'Way down upon de Swanee Ribber, Far, far away." Soon afterwards they reached Live Oak, where they were to change cars for Savannah.

I wouldn't have `Swannie Ribber, or `Home, Sweet Home, or `Annie Laurie, or any of those old songs sung at the Lost Souls' Hotel they're the cause of more heartbreaks and drink and suicide in the bush than anything else. And if a jackaroo got up to sing, `Just before the battle, mother, or, `Mother bit me in me sleep, he'd find it was just before the battle all right.

He nebber go round: I see him come a down a ribber long afore he see a boat at all. "'Hush Sambo hush not a word, I returned in the same low whisper. "The villains are at some treason, and if we stir, we shall lose all chance of discovering it." "'Me no peak Massa Geral; but dam him lyin' teef, he continued to mutter, 'I wish I had him board a gun boat.

Oliver, at first abashed, and then anxious to contribute something of his own in return for all the pleasure they had given him, hummed the tune for Simmons, and in the hush that followed began one of the old plantation songs that Malachi had taught him, beginning with De old black dog he bay at de moon, Away down yan ribber. Miss Bull-frog say she git dar soon, Away down yan ribber.

He nebber go round: I see him come a down a ribber long afore he see a boat at all. "'Hush Sambo hush not a word, I returned in the same low whisper. "The villains are at some treason, and if we stir, we shall lose all chance of discovering it." "'Me no peak Massa Geral; but dam him lyin' teef, he continued to mutter, 'I wish I had him board a gun boat.