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The ships that sail from Cosseir to Yembo generally make this point, and continue from thence their coasting voyage southwards. North of Dhoba two days, lies the castle and small village of Moeyleh, in the territory of the Howeytat and Omran Bedouins. We passed it at a distance; but I could see considerable plantations of date-trees near the shore.

Refeydha, Arabs Abyda, Arabs Harradja, a town in the district of the Senhan Arabs; which also contains the fertile wady called Raha Homra, a place inhabited by the Senhan Arabs: at one day's journey eastward is Wady Nedjran, belonging to the tribe of Yam-Thohran, inhabited by the Wadaa tribe: this place is high in the mountain, but the Wadaa occupy also the low valleys Bagem, a tribe of Arabs: eastward of them resides the powerful tribe of Kholan Arabs Dohhyan, of the Sahhar tribe-Sada: from Sada the most usual stages to Sanaa are Beit Medjahed Djorf Kheywan and Houth, two places in the district of the Hashed tribe Zybein, Omran- Sanaa-Seven days from Sada to Sanaa.

They generally embark at Shaher, in Hadramaut; and their chief destination at present is Guzerat and Cutch. Ghoulet Adjyb, of the Hashed Arabs. Reyda, of the Omran Arabs. Ayal Sorah, of the Hamdan tribe. Sanaa. From Mekka to Sanaa, forty-three days' very slow travelling: for most of the pilgrims perform the whole journey on foot. No.

The Hadj route from Medina direct to Syria is not much frequented even in time of Sometimes a few Bedouin merchants take camel-loads of coffee-beans by this road to Damascus; but it is infested by strolling parties of the Beni Omran and Howeytat tribes, who live in the western mountain, and frequently descend to rob travellers in the plain.