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At Hamburg a Government Committee was formed, consisting of the Prince of Eekmuhl as President, Comte de Chaban, Councillor of State, who superintended the departments of the Interior and Finance, and of M. Faure, Councillor of State, who was appointed to form and regulate the Courts of Law. I had sometimes met M. de Chaban at Malmaison.

My return to Hamburg Government Committee established there Anecdote of the Comte de Chaban Napoleon's misunderstanding with the Pope Cardinal Fesch Convention of a Council Declaration required from the Bishops Spain in 1811 Certainty of war with Russia Lauriston supersedes Caulaincourt at St.

He was distantly related to Josephine, and had formerly been an officer in the French Guards. He was compelled to emigrate, having been subjected to every species of persecution during the Revolution. M. de Chaban was among the first of the emigrants who returned to France after the 18th Brumaire.

My return to Hamburg Government Committee established there Anecdote of the Comte de Chaban Napoleon's misunderstanding with the Pope Cardinal Fesch Convention of a Council Declaration required from the Bishops Spain in 1811 Certainty of war with Russia Lauriston supersedes Caulaincourt at St.

Cyr is not to be contused with the Marshal Gonvion de St. Cyr; he fell into disgrace for his conduct at Hamburg at this time, and was not again employed by Napoleon. At the first news of the revolt he set about packing up his papers, and Comte de Chaban, M. Konning, the Prefect of Hamburg, and M. Daubignosc, the Director of Police, followed his example.

He was distantly related to Josephine, and had formerly been an officer in the French Guards. He was compelled to emigrate, having been subjected to every species of persecution during the Revolution. M. de Chaban was among the first of the emigrants who returned to France after the 18th Brumaire.

Cyr is not to be conFused with the Marshal Gonvion de St. Cyr; he fell into disgrace for his conduct at Hamburg at this time, and was not again employed by Napoleon. At the first news of the revolt he set about packing up his papers, and Comte de Chaban, M. Konning, the Prefect of Hamburg, and M. Daubignosc, the Director of Police, followed his example.

At Hamburg a Government Committee was formed, consisting of the Prince of Eekmuhl as President, Comte de Chaban, Councillor of State, who superintended the departments of the Interior and Finance, and of M. Faure, Councillor of State, who was appointed to form and regulate the Courts of Law. I had sometimes met M. de Chaban at Malmaison.