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Updated: August 2, 2024

The four-sided pyramid, perhaps the most frequent of all natural crystals, is called in architecture a dogtooth; its use is quite limitless, and always beautiful: the cube and rhomb are almost equally frequent in chequers and dentils: and all mouldings of the middle Gothic are little more than representations of the canaliculated crystals of the beryl, and such other minerals: § XXIV. Not knowingly.

Shell spiral, turbinate, dextral, imperforate, spirally ridged or double-keeled and transversely wrinkled; spire prominent, its nucleus sinistral; aperture ovate, canaliculated below, its outer margin furnished with two claw-like lobes, the one central and formed by a prolongation of the margin between the keels of the body whorl, the other smaUer and nearer the canal; peristome thickened, reflexed, forming a conspicuous margin.

It is rare, however, to find in Gothic architecture shafts of this family composed of a large number of foils, because multifoiled shafts are seldom true grouped shafts, but are rather canaliculated conditions of massy piers.

Even a parallel to the expression of the voussoir may be found in the Lombardic and Norman divisions of the shafts, by zigzags and other transverse ornamentation, which in the end are all swept away by the canaliculated mouldings.

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