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Totemic clans are not exogamous in Central Australia, the Melanesian Banks Islands, among the Nandi of East Africa, and the Bakuana of South Africa. +437+. In all such cases, however, the absence of records makes the history of the organizations uncertain we do not know whether or not one of the elements, totemism or exogamy, formerly existed and has yielded to disintegrating influences.

The customs of certain tribes in the south are especially worthy of note: the pastoral Herrero have a double system of clans, maternal and paternal, and their food restrictions are curiously minute, relating to parts of animals or to their color; the Bakuana, who are pastoral and agricultural, kill the clan eponymous animals, though unwillingly, and appear not to regard them as ancestors.

+645+. Other such deities are reported in South Africa, as the Qamata of the Xosa, Morimo of the Bakuana, and farther north Molungu. On the West Coast also, in Ashanti, Dahomi, and Yoruba, a number of deities exist which were in all probability originally local. Such appears to be the character of certain gods of the non-Aryan tribes of India, as the Kolarian Sunthals and Koles.