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"This sacrifice," says the editor of the Diary, "was made in the young authoress's fifteenth year." This could not be; for the sacrifice was the effect, according to the editor's own showing, of the remonstrances of the second Mrs. Burney; and Frances was in her sixteenth year when her father's second marriage took place.

I shall use the materials at my disposal freely and cautiously, quoting some passages in full, regrouping and summing-up others, and keeping always in mind which the reader should likewise do the authoress's tendency to emphasise, colour, and embellish, for the sake of literary and moral effect.

"However, I once mentioned the circumstance to a lady who was acquainted with that neighbourhood, and she said she had heard of the white cat of C , but had never seen it." This is Mrs. M.'s account as related by Mrs. Crowe, and after perusing the authoress's preface to the work, I am inclined to give it full credence. The Mystic Properties of Cats

"My favorite," said Jane, who for a week had been sitting daily in a chair in the drawing-room adjoining the table on which the authoress's complete works were assembled, "is 'The Spreading Light. I do like 'The Spreading Light!" "It was written some years ago," said Mrs.

The following letter, criticising the work of an inexperienced author, is valuable in itself, and reveals clearly the essential kindliness of the man. OFFICE OF HOUSEHOLD WORDS, Monday, June 1, 1857. MY DEAR STONE: I know that what I am going to say will not be agreeable; but I rely on the authoress's good sense; and say it knowing it to be the truth.