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The latter, not long after, retired to the monastery of Yuste in Estremadura, where he died after two years. METZ, formerly capital of the Department of Moselle, situated at the confluence of the Seille and the Moselle. During the war with Henry II. it was besieged by Charles V. and gallantly defended by the Duke of Guise.

Cornelius van Baerle, the godson of Corneille de Witt, and the custodian of their secret correspondence, was a young man of wealth and quiet tastes. He had declined to enter political life, and had retired to his ancestral home at Dordrecht where he spent his time and fortune in the cultivation of tulips.

Le titre d'altesse a-t-il produit la même impression sur les autres que sur Tartarin? 9. Qu'est-ce que l'officier a fait quand le prince a prononcé son titre? 10. Qu'a-t-il fait quand Tartarin a dit «Je connais le préince»? The negress appeared on seeing the door open. 2. He retired after having knocked twice at the postern. 3. The gentlemen were led across the narrow court. 4.

The professor's chair, however, does not seem to have been congenial to his tastes, for in 1836 he removed to Paris, determined to devote himself exclusively to literature. He took up his abode in the fourth story of a house in a retired part of the city, and of his life there he gives us charming glimpses in his "Philosophe sous les Toits."