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Wot's happened to your own coat?" "I lost it I mean it was stolen." "Stole?" "Yes, a robber with a revolver held me up a few minutes ago just over here in the next cross street and he took my coat away." "Huh! Well, did you lose your hat the same way?" "Yes that is to say, no. I lost my hat running." "Oh, you run, hey? Well, you look to me like a guy wot would run.

It seemed a wunnerful good idea, and Bill Chambers said so; and 'e flattered Henery Walker up until Henery didn't know where to look, as the saying is. "And wot's to be done with the hamper when we've got it?" ses Sam Jones. "Have it drawed for agin," ses Henery. "It'll 'ave to be done on the quiet, o' course." Sam Jones stood thinking for a bit.

"Seems rather a shyme to me to spoil your breakfast for wot's really ancient 'istory." He finished three parts of a bottle of champagne, and nibbled a corner of biscuit, with extreme deliberation; the captain sitting opposite and champing the bit like an impatient horse. Then Huish leaned his arms on the table and looked Davis in the face. "W'en you're ready!" said he.

'I say, said Sam, 'none o' that. 'None o' wot? inquired Mr. Weller. 'Wy, none o' them unconstitootional ways o' doin' it, retorted Sam. 'The have-his-carcass, next to the perpetual motion, is vun of the blessedest things as wos ever made. I've read that 'ere in the newspapers wery of'en. 'Well, wot's that got to do vith it? inquired Mr. Weller.

Hallo! wot's this plums? Why, doggie, they're oncommon good to us to-day. I wonder wot's up. I say " Jarwin paused as he drew the last dish out of the prolific basket, and looked earnestly at his dog while he laid it down, "I say, what if they should have taken it into their heads to fatten us up before killin' us? That's not a wery agreeable notion, is it, eh?"

"That boy is conceited enough with hair ile and fine clothes for anything," he said plaintively. "But didn't that Louise Macy hev a feller already that Captain Greyson? Wot's gone o' him?" "That's it," said Minty: "he kin go out in the woods and whistle now. But all the same, she could hitch him in again at any time if the other stranger kicked over the traces.

Finally the little man paused beside the heap, holding in his hand the box of water-softener, which he was eyeing somewhat doubtfully. Bill's eyes still twinkled. "Wot's that?" he demanded in his savage way, as though he had never seen the box before. "That? Why, that's for bathin'," said Scipio doubtfully.

He needs gold stages, and we ain't sendin' gold stages out. Wal, wot's the conclusion? I ast you?" "He'll hev to light out, or " "Jest so. Or he'll get around here to look into things. Those strangers last night were mebbe 'lookin' into things. You'll need to stow that dust where the rats can't gnaw it. Later we'll think things out.

Walker says as learnin' is a pitfall, wich I don't swaller everything as Mr. Walker says neither. Seems to me as it don't do to be always believin' wot's told yer, or there's no sayin' wot sort o' things you wouldn't come to find inside o' yer, before you'd done."

His voice and dialect left no doubt as to the locality they were in. "Wot yer doin' of 'ere this time o' night? 'Ave yer come to rob some o' these yere 'ouses, or wot's yer gime?" Mr. Leigh was a talkative person, and hastened to explain where they were going, and that they could not find their way.