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And then I left her, champing on the bit, so to say; and I wondered where the poor soul had seen a less fanciable maiden than herself in our village, or any other.

Their friendliness approached intimacy. Night had fallen. Outside could be heard the champing of a bit. "I must be getting on," he said at last; but he did not move. "Then there is nothing else I am to do for my sister?" Sophia inquired. "I don't think so," said he. "It isn't a question of medicine." "Then what is it a question of?" Sophia demanded bluntly. "Nerves," he said.

As he went tearing along towards Calydon, champing his teeth and foaming at the mouth, he was a frightful thing to look at, I tell you. Everybody fled before him.

Many whom Aileen and Cowperwood did not know at all had been invited by McKibben and Lord; they came, and were now introduced. The adjacent side streets and the open space in front of the house were crowded with champing horses and smartly veneered carriages.

There was silence for some minutes while Norah sat stirring her tea and glancing sideways at the bluish lips and champing jaws of her companion. "You must have seen a deal o' life, uncle," said she. "It must seem a long, long time to you!" "Not so very long neither. I'm ninety, come Candlemas; but it don't seem long since I took the bounty. And that battle, it might have been yesterday.

The Duchess, however, being now armed with the King's express commands, and having had enough of holding the reins while such powerful and restive personages were "champing the bit," insisted privately that the Cardinal should make his immediate departure known.

Both men were in uniform, and it seemed to Stafford that Colonel Carmichael listened to the click of his own spurs with the pleasure of a young lieutenant. It was no longer the sound of weary routine. It was the herald of clashing sabres and the champing of impatient horses awaiting the charge; it was an echo of past warlike days which were to come again.

He did not hear the shouting of the men, the ring of hoofs on the paving stones, the champing of horses. He sat in a great carved chair beside the fireplace in the hall chamber, forcing himself to stillness, yet tormented by anxiety; half minded to order a fresh horse and to ride back to Worcester.

"Forgive me for interrupting, but I am under command from royal headquarters. Peter, the king of chauffeurs, sends in word that the car is in an amiable mood and champing to be off. So seldom is it in a good-humour that he " "I'll be off at once," exclaimed Barnes, arising. "By Jove, it is half-past ten. I had no idea Good night, Miss Cameron. Sorry my time is up.

Or those war clouds that gather on the horizon, dragon-crested, tongued with fire, how is their barbed strength bridled? What bits are those they are champing with their vapourous lips, flinging off flakes of black foam?