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'E's in disgrace, is Sanda Pasha, just now, an' superseded. The day you was took bad, sir, Russians came into the willage, an' w'en I come back I found 'em swarmin' in the 'ouses an' loop-'oling the walls for defence, but Sanda Pasha came down on 'em with a harmy of Turks an' drove 'em out.

I hadt a room oap in Creenvidge Willage, among dose pig pugs over on the West Side, and I foundt" Liudau's voice lost its jesting quality, and his face darkened "that I was beginning to forget the boor!" "I should have thought," said March, with impartial interest, "that you might have seen poverty enough, now and then, in Greenwich Village to remind you of its existence."

I'se been to de willage and got some tea. A man guv it to me as a sample, and I telled him we'se like our tea mighty strong, so you'se all hab a cup of tea to-day, and to-night Miss Edie'll come back wid a heap of money." "Poor old Hannibal!" said Zell, with a sudden rush of tenderness. "I wish I were as good as you are." "Lor bress you, Miss Zell, I isn't good. I'se kind of a heathen.

I hadt a room oap in Creenvidge Willage, among dose pig pugs over on the West Side, and I foundt" Liudau's voice lost its jesting quality, and his face darkened "that I was beginning to forget the boor!" "I should have thought," said March, with impartial interest, "that you might have seen poverty enough, now and then, in Greenwich Village to remind you of its existence."

They be fillin' me faster 'n I can dispose of 'em; and if you don't leave that 'ere coachman and smile on me, I shall either go up like a baloon, or else there'll be a case of combustion. I went on in that 'ere style, yer know, thinkin' she'd melt like a h'yster in a fryin'-pan, but she didn't; and the next thing I hears wus that the coachman wur at the willage alehouse readin' my letter.

"Ha! jest so, about 'alf-way to the willage of Ramplin', w'ere you slep' last night, if report speaks true, an' w'ere you left the grey tweeds, unless, p'r'aps, you sunk 'em in the old quarry." "Why, what on earth do you mean?" asked Miles, with a look of such genuine surprise that Redhair was puzzled, and the man with the hooked nose, who had been listening attentively, looked slightly confused.

"Yes, sir, thank Heaven!" replied the old man, whose occupation, combined with his great age and flowing gray locks, yet stalworth form and unbroken strength, had conferred upon him the name of his infernal predecessor the navigator of the River Styx. "All right in the village, and in the valley?" further inquired Mr. Berners. "All right in the willage, sir.

But in this here willage there ben't a man, woman, or child as has any consarn for squire or parish, barring myself." It was just as he arrived at that misanthropical conclusion that Mr. Stirn beheld Leonard Fairfield walking very fast from his own home. The superintendent clapped on his hat, and stuck his right arm akimbo.

'My family! hiccuped Mr Squeers, raising his eye to the ceiling: 'my daughter, as is at that age when all the sensibilities is a-coming out strong in blow my son as is the young Norval of private life, and the pride and ornament of a doting willage here's a shock for my family! The coat-of-arms of the Squeerses is tore, and their sun is gone down into the ocean wave!

Hannibal saw that he need waste no more ammunition on Arden, so he pulled out the prescriptions, and said: "The doctor guv me dese, but, Lor bress you, my ole jints is stiff, and I'd be a week in gittin' down and back from de willage." "That's enough," interrupted Arden. "You shall have the medicines in half an hour;" and he kept his word. "He is quar," muttered Hannibal, looking after him.