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I did not know what I was coming into. I thought but tell me," she broke off to demand, "tell me about the plague. Was there any quarantine at all? How soon was it over? What is really happening?" "Quar quar what you mean?" "The plague? Has there been a plague here? Have people had to stay in the palace on account of it?" "Oh h!" The indrawn breath was eloquent of enlightenment.

Mason wondered if he, too, had gone quar, like the Harrises. "It's the marriage certificate," he said, sobering down at last, and reading aloud that at the Hardy Plantation, Fulton County, Georgia, on December , 18 , the Rev. John Covil united in marriage James Crompton, of Troutburg, Massachusetts, and Miss Eudora Harris, of Volucia County, Florida.

But de Sesh dey is quar folks dey is; dey fight doe, don' dey, Massa Tom? "'Yes; they fight like other people. "By this time they were at headquarters, and Ham got hold of his namesake and devoured it as a wild beast would have done. Ham was very serious and finally said: "'Massa Tom, I guess dey not fight any mo' berry soon, does dey? "The General replied that he did not know.

His voice quavered when he spoke to them. Once when the waiter was about to depart with an empty tray, the man drew a coin from his pocket and held it forth. "Here," said he, quite magnificently, "here's quar'." The waiter kept his hands on his tray. "I don' want yer money," he said. The other put forth the coin with tearful insistence. "Here, damn it," cried he, "tak't!

Then she saw that the loaded wagon had just stopped at the gate, and in dim outline Arden sat in the storm as if he had been a post. "It's too bad," she said impatiently, "my things will all get wet." After a moment she added: "Why don't he come in? Don't he know enough to come in out of the rain?" "Well, Miss Edie, he's kind o' quar," said Hannibal, "I'se jes done satisfied he's quar."

As had been expected, he obeyed his impulse, pouring down whiskey until he speedily rendered himself utterly helpless; but while his intoxication disabled him physically, it produced for a time an excited and disordered condition of mind in which he was easily imposed upon. Jute shook him and adjured him to get up, saying, "I years quar soun's comin' dis way."

She hitched her burden up on her left hip and curved her body to the right. "I'm a-gwine to put up thar, an' I'll see. The Bradleys 'll think quar ef I don't put up with them, I reckon; but I'm gwine to try hotellin' fer once. Right now it's in my line uv business. Good-mornin'; I don't owe you anything nothin' in the money way, I mean.

The fellow studied a bit and then replied: "Them's the outlandish." Foreigner, outlander, it is all one; we are "different," we are "quar," to the mountaineer. He knows he is an American; but his conception of the metes and bounds of America is vague to the vanishing point.

Th' air got that quar sort o' dead smell 'ligion allus 'pears to give to meetin'-houses, a' I could hear th' ol' pa'son a-tellin' us how it's th' lovinest that allus gits th' longest end o' th' rope o' life. Hits me now that ther ol' sky scout was 'bout right.

One of the fields still bears the name of the "Quar Ground," and the remains of lime-kilns can be found in several places.