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Updated: August 19, 2024

When we shall run off the coast, the next land-fall will be England, or Holland, or Africa; and with a good wind, we may run down the shores of two or three countries in a day." "And on them, too, thoughtless boy! If you lose this occasion, thy life will be wedded to hazard!" "Farewell, Eudora!" said the urchin, raising his mouth to give and receive the parting kiss.

At length he became perfectly at home in our house. I was pleased with this, for I began to feel that Eudora drew heavily on my time, insisting too much on my society; and I was only glad to escape by leaving her to the society of my relative, blind fool that I was! But I must do him justice. He was a noble specimen of a fresh-hearted young man, loyal and honorable.

Had it been affection, the girl has that to justify the fraud." "And Eudora, herself? Does she or has she long known the truth?" "But lately. Since the death of our common friend, the girl has been solely dependent on me for counsel and protection. It is now a year since she first learned she was not my sister.

There was a brook on one side, bordered thickly with bushy willows which were turning gold-green. On the other side were undulating pasture-lands on which grazed a few sheep. There were no houses until she reached the turn which would lead back to the main street, on which her home was located. Eudora was about midway of this street when she saw a man approaching.

Eudora sent her little playmate a living peacock, which proved even more acceptable than her flock of marble sheep with their painted shepherd. To Melissa was sent a long affectionate epistle, with the dying bequest of Philothea, and many a valuable token of Eudora's gratitude.

Eudora, if this false man has flattered you, believe me, he is always ready to bestow the same upon others. He has told me that I was the loveliest of earthly objects; no doubt he has told you the same; but both cannot be true." "You!" exclaimed her companion: "Where could he find opportunity to address such language to you?"

Winthrop Adams was her uncle and guardian raised her a good deal in the estimation of Dorcas, for even then a man was thought unusually well off to be able to live without doing any real business. "Would you like to play graces?" asked Eudora. "I don't know," admitted Doris. "We were playing. Grace and Molly, you go down that end of the room. Now, this is the way.

I await the fulfilment of the augury!" "It will be happy;" returned Ludlow "Alida and Eudora will instruct him in the opinions of this simple and fortunate country, and he seemeth one likely to do early credit to his schooling." "I fear the boy will regret the lessons of the sea-green lady!

During the last fifteen minutes of her stay Amelia had slipped out of the room with the blue and white bundle. Now she brought it out and laid it carefully in the carriage. "We are always so glad to see you, dearest Eudora," said she, "but you understand " "Yes," said Sophia, "you understand, Eudora dear, that there is not the slightest haste."

Richards, from an absent brother; one for Eudora, from Lottie Gardner; one for Asenath, from an old friend, and at the bottom, last of all, one for Annie Richards, faced with black, and bearing the initial "M." upon the seal of wax.

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