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Then, realizing the fact, he gave expression to his feeling by grinning in a convulsive kind of way and clapping her once or twice on the shoulder next him. "Od! I niver! Didna the leddy " Baubie cut him short. "Sed I widna bide," she observed curtly and significantly.

Oldbuck's learning, madam," answered the questioned party, "would not be exposed to the inconvenience sustained by the Highland gentleman you mentioned last night." "Ay, ay ye understand now where the difficulty lies. Blattergowl says only ane widna be uncivil to ane's forbear, though he be a ghaist.

"Man, I've thocht o' makkin' up to Bell mysel," said Pete Ogle. "Wid there be ony chance, think ye, Sam'l?" "I'm thinkin' she widna hae ye for her first, Pete," replied Sam'l, in one of those happy flashes that come to some men, "but there's nae sayin' but what she micht tak ye to finish up wi." The unexpectedness of this sally startled every one.

"Man, I've thocht o' makkin' up to Bell mysel'," said Pete Ogle. "Wid there be ony chance, think ye, Sam'l?" "I'm thinkin' she widna hae ye for her first, Pete," replied Sam'l, in one of those happy flashes that come to some men, "but there's nae sayin' but what she micht tak' ye to finish up wi'." The unexpectedness of this sally startled every one.

"We don't take people on the cars for nothing," said the conductor, decidedly. "If you can't pay, you can't ride." "Weel, it's the rich anes that's aye the stingiest, shure enough," replied the man, more to himself than to the brass-buttoned figure before him. "But ye widna fin' the like o' yersel' owre in ma kintry, let me tell ye!

Wishart wis no sae bad, sae they let him come hame; but, ye see, he had tasted the drink, an' wanted mair, an' he hadna ony money. Ye see, he'd promised the gentleman who came here that he widna send Baubie oot to sing again.

"I thank ye, Sam'l," said Bell, feeling an unwonted elation as she gazed at the two paper bags in her lap. "Ye're ower extravegint, Sam'l," Lisbeth said. "Not at all," said Sam'l; "not at all. But I widna advise ye to eat thae ither anes, Bell they're second quality." Bell drew back a step from Sam'l. "How do ye kin?" asked the farmer shortly, for he liked Sanders.

"I thank ye, Sam'l," said Bell, feeling an unwonted elation as she gazed at the two paper bags in her lap. "Ye're ower extravegint, Sam'l," Lisbeth said. "Not at all," said Sam'l; "not at all. But I widna advise ye to eat thae ither anes, Bell they're second quality." Bell drew back a step from Sam'l. "How do ye kin?" asked the farmer shortly, for he liked Sanders.

The puirest farmer widna refuse to gie a stranger a lift if he was gaun the same way as himsel', even if it was only a kairt that he had, an' it loaded to the brim." "Can't help it," replied he of the buttons, with a grin. "Off you get at the next station, or we'll put you off without ceremony." "But I'll no gang aff, if I may be sae bold as to tell ye!" said the now angry farmer.

Oldbuck's learning, madam," answered the questioned party, "would not be exposed to the inconvenience sustained by the Highland gentleman you mentioned last night." "Ay, ay ye understand now where the difficulty lies. Blattergowl says only ane widna be uncivil to ane's forbear, though he be a ghaist.