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"Yes," said the patriarch of the camp, "an' this mornin', when I went down to the bank to soak my head, 'cos last night's liquor didn't agree with it, I seed Sam with all his young 'uns as they wuz a washin' their face an' hands with soap. They'll ketch their death an' be on the hill with their mother 'fore long, if he don't look out; somebody ort to reason with him."

"Well, then," said Miss Mattie, firmly, "all I've got to say is that it ain't decent. Think of people sleepin' just off kitchens and washin' their faces and hands in the sink." "I think some of them must be very nice, Mother. Miss Wynne expects to live in an apartment after she is married and she has a little one of her own now. If you'll come with me we'll find some place that you'll like.

God looked into m' eyes, Wayland, that was it! An' all th' dirt o' me shrivelled up an' th' mud in m' manhood, way yours did when y' looked in her eyes! A needed washin', Wayland, that was it, an' then A saw Him on the Cross as y' see that yon Cross there in the sky. 'Sense o' sin! Man alive, A'd never heard them words till that night." "What night?" asked Wayland, quietly.

But the happy light in her eyes was reflected on the face of her son as he answered: "It's wantin' I am to be like him in everything, headstrong and all. I'm not goin' to school to-day." "And you needn't, Moike. I'll be ownin' to you now I didn't feel equal to the washin', and that's the truth." Mike nodded and went gayly into the house for warm water and the clothes.

"Well, Mis' Deane, say 'ow ye will an' what ye will, there's a spider this very blessed instant a' crawlin' on the bottom of the ironin' blanket, which is a sure sign as 'ow yer washin' won't come to no good try iver so 'ard, for as we all knows 'See a spider at morn, An' ye'll wish ye wornt born: See a spider at night, An' yer wrongs'll come right!"

"A washerwoman lived next door, and a Bow Street officer over the way." It was a shabby district, chosen by the elder Dickens because the rent was low. As he neglected to pay the rent, one wonders why he did not take quarters in Piccadilly. I looked in vain for a sign reading, "Washin dun Heer," but I found a Bow Street orf'cer who told me that Bayham Street had long since disappeared.

I wouldn't give that girl a job washin' dishes in the oyster parlor if she was to travel from here to Wyoming on her knees." So they arrived at the ranch from their last expedition together. Lambert gave Taterleg his horse to take to the barn, while he stopped in to deliver Pat Sullivan's check to Vesta and straighten up the final business, and tell her good-bye.

That was about one o'clock in the mornin'. 'Bout h'af-past two Sim Gould he was drownded the next summer, fishin' on the Banks telephoned from the shanty BELOW the station the one a mile or so 'tother side of the cable house, Mr. Hazeltine that wreckage was washin' up abreast of where he was; that was six miles from where the longboat come ashore. So there we was.

He was a little surprised to see Holcroft drive toward the kitchen door with a woman by his side. "He's tried his luck with another of them town gals," he muttered, "but, Jerusalem! She won't stay a week, an' my old woman'll have the washin' an' mendin' all the same."

'I s'pose you left without payin' your washin' bill either, didn't you, sower-krowt, demanded Private Robinson. There was no reply from the opposition. 'I expeck you ler' a lot o' little unpaid bills, didn't you? if you was able to find anyone to give you tick. 'I'll pay them when we take London, said the voice. 'That don't give your pore ol' landlady much 'ope, said Robinson. 'Take Lunnon!