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"Barbara's goin' to the city, too, to spend the Winter with that Miss Wynne in the cottage that's under the same roof with other cottages and the bedrooms off the kitchen. I don't know how Barbara'll take to washin' in the sink, when she's always had that rose-sprigged bowl and pitcher of her ma's, but it's her business, not mine, and if she wants to go, she can.

He was no longer the strong, steadily obstinate John Wynne of a year or two back. He was less decisive, made occasional errors in his accounts, and would sometimes commit himself to risky ventures. Then Thomas Mason, our clerk, or my aunt would interfere, and he would protest and yield, having now by habit a great respect for my aunt's sagacity, which in fact was remarkable.

"I have the honour to know Mr. Wynne," said the officer. "We met at Lancaster when I was a prisoner in '76; in March, was it not? Mr. Wynne did me a most kind service, Montresor. I owe it to him that I came to know that loyal gentleman, Mr. Cope, and the Yeates people, who at least were loyal to me, I have not forgotten it, nor ever shall."

The Gypsy looked appeased and even gratified at the landlord's explanation. 'But what did Winnie Wynne do then, Sinfi? asked the landlord. "Father!" she cries, and away she bolts like a greyhound; and I know'd at oust as she wur under a cuss. Now, you see, Mr. Blyth, that upset me, that did, for Winnie Wynne was the only one on 'em, Gorgio or Gorgie, ever I liked. No offence, Mr.

It had been her habit to think of herself with pity as friendless in those days; forgetful of the good doctor and his wife, Agnes Pringle and even Mr. Wynne, not to speak of her humbler friends, the gardener's wife and children, and the good Kate. Well, she was being punished for it now. It would be hard, indeed, to imagine a more friendless condition than hers.

"A duplicate also," and Mr. Wynne glanced at Mr. Cawthorne. "It is reasonably certain that you would have heard of that if it had disappeared from the Louvre." He turned to Mr. Schultze again. "I may add that this fiftyfold increase in output is not confined to small stones," he went on tauntingly. "They are of all sizes and values. For instance?"

And then she ran towards the house. 'In a few minutes Mr. D'Arcy came out into the field without his hat, and evidently much agitated. "Miss Wynne," he said, "I fear you must have been half frightened to death. Never was there such an unlucky contretemps." "But why is Sinfi Lovell here?" I said, "and why was I not told she was here?" "Sinfi is an old friend of mine," he said.

Wynne," he said one morning, "I am happy to tell you we shall sail to-morrow afternoon." Cardo's heart sank, and Valmai turned very pale. "Your cabin is being refitted to-day, and I shall be glad if you can come on board by four o'clock to-morrow afternoon. There's every promise of fine weather. No more fogs, no more collisions, I hope." "I'll take care to be on board in good time," Cardo said.

I know," said Cardo; "the mill in the valley?" "No, round the next shore, and up to the top of the cliff is our house." "Traeth Berwen? That is where I live!" "Well, indeed!" "Yes, I am Caradoc Wynne, and I live at Brynderyn." "Oh! are you Cardo Wynne? I have heard plenty about you, and about your father, the 'Vicare du." "Ah! poor old dad!

How good she had been and how much she had done for Barbara! Roger's heart fairly overflowed with gratitude and he registered a boyish vow not to disappoint those who believed in him. It seemed strange to think of Eloise as "Mrs. Conrad." She had signed her brief note to Roger, "Very cordially, Eloise Wynne Conrad." Down in the corner she had written "Mrs. Allan Conrad."