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Instead of the long oak table and the wassail bowl, there stood near the fire a small round table, covered with a snow white cloth, upon which shone in unrivalled brightness a very handsome tea equipage the hissing kettle on one hob was vis a vis'd by a gridiron with three newly taken trout, frying under the reverential care of Father Malachi himself a heap of eggs ranged like shot in an ordnance yard, stood in the middled of the table, while a formidable pile of buttered toast browned before the grate the morning papers were airing upon the hearth every thing bespoke that attention to comfort and enjoyment one likes to discover in the house where chance may have domesticated him for a day or two.

Instead of the long oak table and the wassail bowl, there stood near the fire a small round table, covered with a snow white cloth, upon which shone in unrivalled brightness a very handsome tea equipage the hissing kettle on one hob was vis a vis'd by a gridiron with three newly taken trout, frying under the reverential care of Father Malachi himself a heap of eggs ranged like shot in an ordnance yard, stood in the middled of the table, while a formidable pile of buttered toast browned before the grate the morning papers were airing upon the hearth every thing bespoke that attention to comfort and enjoyment one likes to discover in the house where chance may have domesticated him for a day or two.