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Having got back from ourselves to the monad, we were suddenly to begin again with something which was either unthinkable, or was only ourselves again upon a larger scale to return to the same point as that from which we had started, only made harder for us to stand upon.

For Peter death had two sharply differentiated aspects one of release to the tired and old, for whom the grasshopper was a burden; the other of an unthinkable blackness of tragedy sheer sharp loss that knew no compensation. It was not with this bitter face that death had stepped into their lives on this clear morning.

"Well, now that you have seen Fort Enterprise," said Gaviller dryly, "you may go on or go back. I do not care so long as you do not linger." Ambrose frowned. "If you were a younger man " he began. "You need not consider my age," said Gaviller. Ambrose measured his man. He had to confess he had good pluck. The idea of a set-to with Colina's father was unthinkable.

But its chief results were the destruction of entire villages, the flight from their homes in the Congo of hundreds of thousands of natives, and for those that remained misery, death, the most brutal tortures and degradations, unprintable, unthinkable. I am not going to enter into the question of the atrocities.

She had no choice. "Oh no!" she cried. "Oh no! I couldn't!" and wrested herself from him in a panic. He let her go, and she heard him laugh as she broke away. But she did not wait for more. To linger was unthinkable. Urged by that imperative, inner prompting she turned and fled, not pausing for a moment's thought. The glass door closed behind her. She burst impetuously into the deserted ballroom.

Ross Shanklin was stunned. The vista shown him of human nature was unthinkable. It had been his lot to live in a world of suspicion and hatred, of evil-believing and evil-doing. It had been his experience, slouching along village streets at nightfall, to see little children, screaming with fear, run from him to their mothers.

In any case, whether the action of our naval authorities was planned out beforehand or not, we in America had no knowledge of any such plan; indeed, until it actually occurred, I believed the destruction of the Lusitania to be unthinkable, not merely for humanitarian reasons, but because it was obviously sound policy to refrain as far as possible from any attack on passenger ships.

To break with her, he would have to tell her flatly that he would not marry her. "I'd be doing her no injury," thought he. "Her vanity would root out some explanation which would satisfy her that, whatever might be the cause, it wasn't lack of love for her on my part." But To break off was unthinkable.

Frankly, I say to you that if I had the power as President I would say to you that this strike is unthinkable and must not be permitted to happen.

It was unthinkable that she should be wasted, or that her youth and splendid vitality should go for naught. He found her eager to talk to him the next night when he went to see her. "Peter," she said, "I want you to go to my aunt and my mother, and tell them that I've got to go on with my work, that I can't be stopped and interrupted by this foolishness of doctors and nurses.