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In a very few minutes we were all mustered on the beach, looking, I must confess, remarkably like brigands, in our slouching and high-crowned Californian hats, coatless, and with shirt-sleeves either tucked up or cut off above the elbow, which, with the carbine that each man carried in his hand, and the revolvers, knives, etc., stuck into the waist-belts, made our 'tout ensemble' such, that I am convinced no honest citizen, with a plethoric purse, who saw us thus for the first time, would have felt quite at his ease in our company.

What he had to say he growled out audibly enough, but for the rest his opinions had to be cork-screwed out of him in surly monosyllables. There was a good deal of the cave man about him. The heavy, slouching shoulders, the glare of savagery, the long, hairy arms, all had their primordial suggestion.

"An' he wasn't over particular aboot details of your love-makin'." Ellen gazed out of the door, over Colter's head, as if the forest out there was a refuge. She evidently sensed more about the man than appeared in his slow talk, in his slouching position. Her lips shut in a firm line, as if to hide their trembling and to still her passionate tongue.

The stage was dark and the glow of the furnace had a fine effect, especially as real steam issued from the kettle when the witch took off the cover. A moment was allowed for the first thrill to subside, then Hugo, the villain, stalked in with a clanking sword at his side, a slouching hat, black beard, mysterious cloak, and the boots.

"Yes and for keeps, I guess," said Meighan gruffly. He laughed shortly, mirthlessly. "You can turn the light on now; we'd wait a long time here for the Gray Seal!" Larry the Bat closed the outer door noiselessly behind him, slipped through the vestibule and, an instant later, was slouching along Fifth Avenue, heading back toward Washington Square. His hands in his ragged pockets clenched.

But the rider's bold look of admiration still rested on Helen Harley's face, and even after he had gone on he looked back to see it. "You know him?" asked Helen of Robert. "Yes, I know him and so do you." "If I know him I am not aware of it." "That is General Wood." Helen looked again at the big, slouching figure disappearing at the corner. The name of Wood was famous in the Confederacy.

Why cannot I be like her, or like you? You'll be on a level with her, and I am down far below her." I looked at him curiously. The slouching figure well shaped as it was the rough, knotted hands, the unkempt mass of hair about his head and face, marked him for what he was a toiler on the sea as well as on the land. He understood my scrutiny, and colored under it like a girl.

Selwyn called out after the slouching figure, striped with the diagonal lines of rain and flouted by the wind, tramping across the weeds of the yard to his horse. "Nex' Chewsday week," Hanway responded hoarsely. "Well, if this weather holds out, it is to be hoped that the gentlemen of the jury are web-footed!" Selwyn exclaimed.

Crowds, heat, decorations, the grandees on the platform, and conspicuous among them the Squire's slouching frame and striking head, side by side with a white and radiant Lady Helen the outer success, the inner revolt and pain and the constant seeking of his truant eyes for a face that hid itself as much as possible in dark corners, but was in truth the one thing sharply present to him these were the sort of impressions that remained with Elsmere afterward of this last meeting with his people.

A trifle noisily the Older Man jerked his chair around and, slouching down into his shabby gray clothes, with his hands thrust deep into his pockets, his feet shoved out before him, sat staring at his companion. Furrowed abruptly from brow to chin with myriad infinitesimal wrinkles of perplexity, his lean, droll face looked suddenly almost monkeyish in its intentness.