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Dal did not recognize the man, but the four stars meant that he was a top-ranking physician in the Red Service of Surgery. The other passenger, gathering his black cloak and hood around him as he faced the blistering wind on the landing field, was Black Doctor Hugo Tanner. Moments after the Four-star Surgeon arrived at the hospital, he was fully and unmistakably in command of the situation.

All that anyone outside could discover was that enormous quantities of cryptic material had poured and still were pouring into the Shed. But this time security was genuinely tight. Educated guesses could be made, and they were made; but nobody outside the closed-in area save a very few top-ranking officials had any real knowledge.

Three Rangers were dead, one seriously injured, and over a third of the ruling nobles, some with their heirs, had been killed along with approximately a quarter of the top-ranking planet-based military and Admin Service officers. Once the full extent of the disaster was assessed, Rangers Medart and Losinj were reassigned, to separate missions.

The king and half a dozen of the top-ranking officers of the fleet were listening apathetically to Morgan, at once vexed and positive and uncertain. "But you can't ignore it!" protested Morgan.

In thirty nations, top-ranking officials and military officers blindfolded each other in turn and gravely stuck pins in each other. The blindfolded person was expected to name the place where he had been stuck. This had an historical precedent. In olden days, pins were stuck in suspected witches.