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The waiter was summoned. He made excuse. "Mille tonnerres! Ventrebleu!" roared Burton with a volley of unutterable language which he only could translate. The waiter literally flew before the storm, looking back at the witness with "Mais, mon Dieu, l'Anglais!"

"Mille tonnerres!" bellowed the Frenchman. "You insult me, cochon Canadien, Canadian pig! The half of sidewalk is mine, eh? You push me off, eh? You fight, eh?" Code urged Ellinwood along and interceded personally, knowing that the big man would not touch him. But the Frenchman would not be appeased.

As he was not accustomed to think except on professional matters connected with the welfare of men and horses, and the proper use thereof on the field of glory, his intellectual efforts degenerated into mere mental repetitions of profane language. "Mille tonnerres! . . . Sacre nom de nom . . ." he thought. Lieut.

But, come here are your seats waiting for you. 'MILLE TONNERRES! he muttered, advancing into the room, and glaring at us. 'I am afraid that the ragout is cold, I continued, peering into the dish and affecting to see nothing. 'The soup, however, has been kept hot by the fire. But I think that you do not see Madame. He opened his mouth to swear, but for the moment he thought better of it.

"Oh! cent milles tonnerres!" he exclaimed angrily, as the enormous hook caught in the leg of his trousers. The large and clumsy barb was deeply imbedded, so there was no help for it but to use the knife. The second throw was more successful, and the hook alighted in the water with a splash that ought to have sent all the fish in the pool away in consternation.

Meanwhile, find another master I discharge you. /Mille tonnerres!/ why does that weasel-faced snail not bring me the brandy! By your leave," and he appropriated to himself the brimming glass of his next neighbour.

Maurice and the old soldier were obliged to support her, almost carry her. Fortunately they were not far from the village, whose church-tower they had discerned through the gray mists of morning. Soon the fugitives could distinguish the houses on the outskirts of the town. The corporal suddenly stopped short with an oath. "Mille tonnerres!" he exclaimed; "and my uniform!

To understand this copy of verses you are to know that the day Oliver died was remarkable for a great storm. His poem begins in this manner: "Il n'est plus, s'en est fait, soumettons nous au sort, Le ciel a signale ce jour par des tempetes, Et la voix des tonnerres eclatant sur nos tetes Vient d'annoncer sa mort.

According to the precept of transcendental wisdom, he turned his tongue seven times in his mouth before he spoke. He made then only a speech of thanks. The colonel listened, interested at first, then looked mystified. At last he frowned. "You hesitate? mille tonnerres! Haven't I told you that I will condescend to argue with you as a friend?" "Yes, Colonel!" answered Lieut. D'Hubert, gently.

"Gredin! cent mille tonnerres de Dieu!" "Calme-toi, mon fidele ami. What will you? It was fate. Montholon. "Le lache! Un Francais meurt, mais il ne recule jamais." Napoleon. "STUPIDE! Don't you see WHY the retreat was ordered? don't you know that it was a feint on the part of Gahagan to draw Holkar from his impregnable intrenchments?