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If you do not eat it while it is hot " "The ragout can be heated over," put in Charlie. "But if the Boches get my car with a shell good-night! Come on, fellows. And bring a rope. I believe we three can pull the old girl out." The boys tramped out of the cottage. Mother Gervaise turned to Ruth and stared at her with very bright, black eyes.

They were convinced of the fact, when day by day she began to pine and refused to eat; and had not the chief cook every day invented some new ragout, she would inevitably have died of hunger.

Dacier's learned ragout as you can have, my dear sir; and I pity the great scholar, who travelled to Constantinople for the termagant Theodora, believing, as you do, that the honourable mention made of her by the French Academy of Sciences, could be no adequate compensation to her husband for domestic disquiet: but the lady's learning was not essential to his misfortune; he might have met with a scolding dame, though he had not married a Grecian.

For the two sailors whom we had made prisoners through their being at the wheel had been apportioned the duty of taking the steward's place, that poor fellow having without doubt gone overboard on the night of the rising; and as Mr Brymer left the cabin, these two quickly and roughly prepared the table for our mid-day meal, went forward, and brought back a tureen of soup, with a kind of ragout of the kangaroo's tail from the tin.

My brother thrust out his head, opened his mouth, and made as if he took the piece of lamb, and eat it with extreme pleasure. "I knew you would like it," said the Barmecide. "There is nothing in the world finer," replied my brother; "your table is most delicious." "Come, bring the ragout; I fancy you will like that as well as you did the lamb: Well, how do you relish it?"

He squeezed some of the gravy and bits of meat into one of his bottles, sticking to his purpose; then he fell to on the rest. But after a few bites, it was queerly unsatisfactory. The seemingly unappealing Mars-normal ragout suited his current tastes better, after all. Once the steward had cleared away the dishes, Doc went to work. It was better than wasting his time in dread.

White or yellow seedless grapes, grown in Corinth. An herb used in seasoning certain dressing and sauces; it is also employed in flavoring tarragon vinegar. A mayonnaise dressing to which have been added chopped pickle, capers, and parsley in order to make a tart sauce for fish. Timbale. A pie raised in a mold; also, a shell filled with forcemeat or ragout. Truffles.

Finally a culinary mystery: an uncut fish, fried at the head, baked in the middle, and with its tail in a ragout with sauce. The guests did not ask the names of the dishes, nor were they halted by that curious mystery; they ate everything rapidly with a soldier’s appetite, filling their glasses with the generous Hungarian wine.

A cocktail starts my appetite, for I have no desire for food; and for the sake of appearances I manage to consume an egg Benedictine and a ragout of lamb, with a dessert. Then we wander into the smoking room and drink black coffee and smoke long black cigars. I have smoked a cigar or two in my office already and am beginning, as usual, to feel a trifle seedy.

Jacques, coming in to lay the table for déjeuner, glanced across the hall and whispered to Esther. "That capitaine will stay for déjeuner. It is good I have a ragoût to-day, there will be assez for three. I need only to put another egg in the omelette." He laid three places, then from the recess at the bottom of the sideboard he produced a cocktail shaker and a variety of bottles.