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"Ah, not many times; soon all goes to finish, and I have none person to make this charming English go in my so stupide head." "What will you do then?" "I jeter myself into the lake." "Don't be foolish; I'm dull to-day, and want to be cheered up; suicide isn't a pleasant subject." "Good! See here, then a little plaisanterie what you call joke.

You have seen it on dozens of girls, and you never found out that it was pretty till now stupide!" "I never saw it on you before, which accounts for the mistake, you see." "None of that, it is forbidden. I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now. No, don't lounge, it makes me nervous."

Il a l'air d'une bete tres stupide, mais il est d'une sagacite et d'une vitesse extraordinaire quand il s'agit de saisir un journal nouveau. On ne sait pas pourquoi il lit, parcequ'il ne parait pas avoir des idees. Il vocalise rarement, mais en revanche, il fait des bruits nasaux divers.

But Monsieur Froissart, he vas von ver big vat you call fool he vas von ver great big donce like yourself for he lef la belle France for come to dis stupide Amerique and ven he get here he went and ave von ver stupide, von ver, ver stupide sonn, so I hear, dough I not yet av ad de plaisir to meet vid him neither me nor my companion, de Madame Stephanie Lalande.

Now we shall have an éclaircissement, an exposure, an explosion. How stupide, too, when he told me not to "thomp, thomp"! I am so sorry, gentlemens! I did hope to give you a song, but I cannot sing without an accompaniment. Gasper? I am so glad, because I do not play it yet myself: I am only learning. Come, I shall sing, and you shall play upon de harp. He'll ruin everything. Enter SERVANT.

"Give me a kiss!" she said in a low tone, so low that I did not catch the last word. "Give you what" I asked. She stamped her foot. "Un baiser!" she said, with a little French scream. "Embrasse moi! Stupide!" I laughed slightly as I looked down upon her. It seemed so ludicrous, the proposition, just then to me.

This it is impossible to reproduce, and the celebrity of Selwyn as a wit must be allowed to rest on the opinion of his contemporaries. "Je suis bien eloignee," wrote Madame du Deffand, in 1767, who, of those who knew him, has left us the most finished portrait, "de croire M. Selwyn stupide, mais il est souvent dans les espaces imaginaires.

It is good of me, for the expressions of love and regard, made with faults, take the funny appearance; they are ridicule, and instead to go to the heart, they make the laugh. Never mind, I do it. 'You cannot imagine yourself how stupide is Paris when you are gone. I fly to my work, and make no more fêtes, it is too sad alone.

What wonder, then, that the one able and strong-willed man led the helpless many and re-moulded Sieyès' constitution in a fashion that was thus happily parodied: "J'ai, pour les fous, d'un Tribunat Conservé la figure; Pour les sots je laisse un Sénat, Mais ce n'est qu'en peinture; A ce stupide magistrat Ma volonté préside; Et tout le Conseil d'État Dans mon sabre réside."

" Sur tant de tresors "Antiques monumens respectes jusqu'alors, "Par la destruction signalant leur puissance, "Las barbares etendirent leur stupide vengeance." "La Religion," Racine. Yet the people in office who operated these mischiefs were all appointed by the delegates of the Assembly; for the first towns of the republic were not trusted even with the choice of a constable.