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To the employment manager, labor turnover and the selection of personnel are adjacent fields of research. Fatigue as an endocrine deficiency a depressed state of one or more of the glands of internal secretion, abolished when its normal functioning is restored is a general principle from which departures of exploration of sub-problems will proceed.

But the work of men and women is of innumerable kinds, each kind being, as we say, carried on by a particular faculty; so the great problem splits into two sub-problems, thus: . What are the limits of human faculty in various directions? . By what diversity of means, in the differing types of human beings, may the faculties be stimulated to their best results?

The facility with which the product will be used, to his mind, is almost beyond overestimation. Sub-division of Work. The division of work into separate operations makes it possible to divide the subject into relatively small sub-problems. This division of the subject itself brings it within the capacity of the lesser brains and makes it very much easier for a brain of greater power.

Knowledge of history and geography, in a right attitude towards the problems and sub-problems of these complex and comprehensive subjects, an attitude which may on occasion translate itself into right action. And so on.