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But his derby is busted in on one side, one end of his wing collar has been carried away and is ridin' up towards his left ear, his coat is all dusty, and his face is flushed up like a new fire truck. "For the love of soup!" says I, gaspy. "Must have been some party?" Ernie, he braces himself by grippin' a chair-back and makes a stab at recoverin' his usual stiff-neck pose.

"Per'aps 'e'll knock some of your pride out of you." I made no answer, but let him march me to my room, to the execution of the sentence. "There," he said, through the door, as he turned the key on me. "Per'aps that'll bring you to your senses." "Ephraim the stiff-neck!" I answered loudly; "Old Ephraim Stiff-neck! Stiff-neck!" "Ah," he answered, clumping down the corridor.

The group includes lumbago, stiff-neck, and pleurodynia conditions which have this in common, that sudden and severe pain is excited by movement of the affected part. It would appear to involve mainly the fibrous tissue of muscles, although it may extend from this to aponeuroses, ligaments, periosteum, and the sheaths of nerves. The term fibrositis was applied to it by Gowers in 1904.

Many fancied that his neck was possessed of some natural infirmity, or rather firmity, of unbendableness, some little-to-be-envied property of being a perpetual stiff-neck; and they were the more countenanced in this theory, from the fact that, within a few days past, Mr.

"Thrue fer ye, Master Angel!" cried Mary Ellen heartily, "sure, there's noan o' the stiff-neck about ye, an' ye'll git yer fill av oysters an' cake fer that, mark my words! As fer my Mr. Watlin, there ain't a claner, smarter feller to be found annywheres. But, oh, if the mistress was to find it out " she turned pale with apprehension. "How could she?" we assured her.

Many fancied that his neck was possessed of some natural infirmity, or rather firmity, of unbendableness, some little-to-be-envied property of being a perpetual stiff-neck; and they were the more countenanced in this theory, from the fact that, within a few days past, Mr.

They were going this very night to Bruchhausen, to get gold from the old stiff-neck of Stargard, so that the bargain might be concluded next day." This was a pleasant hearing for Sidonia. She became more friendly, and said, "He could not blame her for doubting him, as he had deceived her so often; still it was wonderful how her heart clung to him through all.

'member dem sinners in de mornin'! Hit's a mighty pashent han', but de days is but few, W'en Satun, he'll come a demandin' un his due, En de stiff-neck sinners 'll be smotin' all fru- Oh, you better git ready for de mornin'! Look up en set yo' face To'ds de green hills of grace 'Fo' de sun rises up in de mornin' Oh, you better change yo' base, Hits yo' soul's las' race For de glory dat's a comin' in de mornin'!

A similar condition may implicate the fascia lata of the thigh, or the calf muscles and their aponeuroses crural fibrositis. In painful stiff-neck, or "rheumatic torticollis," the pain is located in one side of the neck, and is excited by some inadvertent movement. The head is held stiffly on one side as in wry-neck, the patient contracting the sterno-mastoid.