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"When I'm alone with Parker for instance I'm as chatty as dammit. But I don't ask waiters in public restaurants how their lumbago is." "Have you ever had lumbago?" "No." "Well, it's a very painful thing, and waiters get it just as badly as dukes. Worse, I should think, because they're always bending and stooping and carrying things. Naturally one feels sorry for them."

"Is it lunch you bane come for?" "I'm ill, Miss Josie Larson," he said with a whimsical look on his face, that Josie now noticed was drawn and white. "It's that devilish lumbago that has got me. I hope I did not startle you." "Yah! I bane hearin ghosts all morning," Josie declared stoutly.

These Waters are beneficial in all forms of Gout, Sub-acute, Chronic and Muscular Rheumatism Neuralgias, Sciatica, Lumbago, certain forms of Paralysis, Nervous Debility, Diseases of Women, Disorders of the Digestive System, Tropical Anoemia, Metallic Poisoning, Eczema, Lepra, Psoriasis, and all the Scaly Diseases of the Skin.

At the end of a few more days she went to her old husband to ask him how he was. He said he was a bit troubled with his lumbago, but otherwise fairly well. "What you want," said she, "is a sea-voyage." He thought not. He had never found the sea suit him. And travelling was a great fatigue. And it was the wrong time of year for it, anyhow. They had a good home, and it was the best place.

"Ah!" said Steelman, "lumbago, I suppose? My father suffered cruel from it for years." "Naw," said the old man, moving closer to the fence. "It ain't in me back; the trouble's with me leg." "Oh!" said Steelman. "One a bit shorter than the other?" "Well, yes. It seems to be wearin' a bit shorter. I must see to it." "Hip disease, perhaps?" said Steelman. "A brother o' mine had "

Bowring's stories of the art of medicine as practised in the northern states of Mexico, where decoction of shirt is considered an invaluable specific when administered internally; and the recognised remedy for lumbago is to rub the patient with the drawers of a man named John. No doubt the latter treatment answers very well!

His worst offense against the community shall be a mistaking of toothache for tic-douloureux, and lumbago for gout oh, d n the gout!" for at that portion of his speech the poor colonel had sustained an awful twinge. "Well," continued the dame, "would you feel inclined to let him enter the University, and take orders?" "Become a churchman?" and away, with a furious kick, again went the hassock.

Well, one never knows what’s be’ind a ’appy hexterior, does one, sir?” “No, Mrs Gabbon,” replied Mr Bunker, solemnly; “one never knows what even a clergyman’s coat conceals.” “That’s very true, sir. In the midst of life we are in——” “Lumbago,” interposed Mr Bunker. Mrs Gabbon looked a trifle startled.

Gonagra, when it attacks the knees chiragra, if in the hands onagra, if in the elbow omagra, if in the shoulder, and lumbago, if in the back. All these are varieties of gout, and for all these the contents of this little bottle is a sovereign remedy; and, observe, it will keep for ever.

He said that that would answer, and said he would come around in twenty-four hours and begin work again. He was taken ill himself and could not come; but I did not need him. I cut off all those things for two days and nights; in fact, I cut off all kinds of food, too, and all drinks except water, and at the end of the forty-eight hours the lumbago was discouraged and left me.