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The healing of a thirty-eight year old infirmity rises yet higher in the scale of power seen at work. The Roman's child was an acute case; this an extreme chronic case of long standing. The acute case of illness may be most difficult and ticklish, demanding a quick masterful use of all the physician's knowledge and skill.

The doctrine of the origin of most chronic diseases in Psora, notwithstanding Hahnemann says it cost him twelve years of study and research to establish the fact and its practical consequences, has met with great neglect and even opposition from very many of his own disciples.

Take two tablespoonsful three or four times a day in chronic rheumatism; rub well the affected part with anti-rheumatic liniment. Take of tinc. of opium 2 oz., tinc. of belladonna 2 oz., powdered camphor 2 oz., oil of turpentine 2 oz., oil of sassafras 2 oz., oil of origanum 2 oz., and tinc. of capsicum 1 pint; mix all together.

I murmured the well-known quotation. "Mrs. O'Kelly to a T," concurred the O'Kelly. "I sometimes wonder if Lady Scott may not have been the same sort of woman." "The unfortunate part of it is," continued the O'Kelly, "that I'm such a healthy beggar; it don't give her a chance. If I were only a chronic invalid, now, there's nothing that woman would not do to make me happy.

'Do not repine, my friends, said Mr Pecksniff, tenderly. 'Do not weep for me. It is chronic. And with these words, after making a futile attempt to pull off his shoes, he fell into the fireplace. The youngest gentleman in company had him out in a second. Yes, before a hair upon his head was singed, he had him on the hearth-rug her father! She was almost beside herself. So was her sister.

See how far you fell! I feared you might have received some terrible internal injury " "I have; but that's a chronic affair, as you know," he interrupted, laughing. His mirth and allusion did more to restore her than all else, for he appeared the same friend that she thought she had lost.

"He sent for me last night and asked me to take his case, won't have anything to do with Chessup. I had to get Chessup's permission. He seemed very glad to hand the case over to me." "Is he very bad?" "He hasn't a look-in, and he knows it. Complications; chronic Bright's disease. It seems he has nine children.

True, it was not always helpful to Theodora to be roused from her work by the monotonous er-er, er-er of scales and five finger exercises, and there were moments when she wondered if pianos were never built with only a soft pedal and that lashed into a position which would entail chronic operation.

We quote from a poster, issued by the "Investigation Council for Promoting the Public Welfare," and now displayed all over France: "Alcoholism is the chronic poisoning resulting from the constant use of alcohol, even if it does not produce drunkenness. "It is an error to say that alcohol is a necessity to the man who has to do hard work, or that it restores strength.

He had her well muffled in the rug before she could protest, even if a protest had been rational. The young man had no idea of defending Coleman. He had no knowledge of the necessity for it. It had been merely the exercise of his habit of amiability, his chronic desire to see everybody comfortable.