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A similar condition may implicate the fascia lata of the thigh, or the calf muscles and their aponeuroses crural fibrositis. In painful stiff-neck, or "rheumatic torticollis," the pain is located in one side of the neck, and is excited by some inadvertent movement. The head is held stiffly on one side as in wry-neck, the patient contracting the sterno-mastoid.

I used to know the difference between the Sardinian dormouse and the ordinary kind, and whether the wry-neck arrives at our shores earlier than the cuckoo, or the other way round, and how long the walrus takes in growing to maturity; I daresay you knew all those sorts of things once, but I bet you've forgotten them." "Those things are not important," said Mrs. Eggelby, "but "

As a matter of fact, we're no more likely to catch an extra-terrestrial disease than to catch wry-neck from sick chickens!" "That broadcast's nothing to worry about," said Cochrane. "But it is!" insisted Holden. "Dabney and that fool biologist presented space-travel as a reason for panic!

And there the queen of keenest darts, the Cyprus-born, first brought to men from Olympus the frenzied bird, the speckled wry-neck , binding it to a four-spoked wheel without deliverance, and taught the son of Aison to be wise in prayers and charms, that he might make Medea take no thought to honour her parents, and longing for Hellas might drive her by persuasion's lash, her heart afire with love.

Behold here Sir Bertrand, that was thy father's seneschal of Pentavalon City. Here, Sir John of Griswold whose sire bare thy father's banner, wherefore Griswold is ashes long since. Here Hubert of Erdington, that was thy father's marshal-of-the-field. Here, Hacon of Trant, that was wont to lead thy father's vanward, and here, Sir Brian of Hartismere, brother to Eric, called the Wry-neck.

He has often told me how he came by his wry-neck at the time of your shipwreck." So he said, and looked at Havelok. But this was a thing that he had not seen, as he was so sick at the time. I said that I remembered Mord well, and would seek him some time in the day.

Let's take one now before I 'Sit down! cried Conroy, and the sweat stood again on his forehead. He had fought through a few nights, and had been defeated on more, and he knew the rebellion that flares beyond control to exhaustion. She smoothed her hair and dropped back, but for a while her head and throat moved with the sickening motion of a captured wry-neck.