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Therefore private redress is prohibited not by advice, but by a command, Matt. 5, 39; Rom. 12, 19. Public redress which is made through the office of the magistrate, is not advised against, but is commanded, and is a work of God, according to Paul, Rom. 13, 1 sqq. Now the different kinds of public redress are legal decisions, capital punishment, wars, military service.

Mark, ii. 15-22, vi. 17-29. In Mr. Lightfoot, in Cont. Rev., Aug. 1875, p. 394, appeals to Anger and Tischendorf in proof of the contrary proposition, that the order of Mark cannot be maintained. But Tischendorf's Harmony is based on the assumption that St. The results will be found in Holtzmann, Synopt. Ev. p. 259 sqq. The theory rests upon an acute observation, and has much plausibility.

Above, pp. 108, 109, 116, 118 sq., 121, 148, 154, 156, 157, 159, 160, 170, 171, 174, 175, 176, 180, 183, 185, 188, 232 sq., 245, 252, 253, 280, 292, 293, 295, 297. For more evidence of the use of fire to burn or expel witches on certain days of the year, see The Scapegoat pp. 158 sqq. Less often the fires are thought to burn or repel evil spirits and vampyres.

The application of the type of the brazen serpent to Jesus in c. xii. may have been suggested by John iii. 14 sqq., but we cannot say that it was so with certainty.

Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., 69-77. Leach, /Eng. Schools at the Reformation/, 1-7. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., 92-96. /Cambridge Mod. History/, ii., 477. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., 83 sqq. Dixon, /History of the Church/, ii., 476. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., chap. ix. Dodd-Tierney, ii., app. ix. Gasquet-Bishop, op. cit., chap. x. Rose-Troup, /The Western Rebellion of 1549/, 1913.

Endless change, endless recurrences of growth and of decay filled up those great spaces and periods, measureless and trackless almost as the expanses of the ocean, that were covered by the prehistoric life of mankind. Jevons, Introduction to the History of Religion, 1896. E. S. Hartland, in Proceedings of Oxford Congress of the History of Religion, p. 21, sqq.

As to the custom of sacrificing one of a plague-stricken herd or flock for the purpose of saving the rest, see below, pp. 300 sqq. John Jamieson, Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, New Edition, revised by J. Longmuir and D. Donaldson, iii. Surv. Caithn., pp. 200, 201." R.C. Maclagan, "Sacred Fire," Folk-lore, ix. pp. 280 sq.

Apparently some of the Lower Congo people interpret the act similarly. See J. Roscoe, op. cit. p. 74. As to the prohibition to touch food with the hands, see Taboo and the Perils of the Soul, pp. 138 sqq., 146 sqq., etc. Rev. J. Roscoe, The Baganda, p. 80. In Travancore it is believed that women at puberty and after childbirth are peculiarly liable to be attacked by demons. Rev.

Bagehot was a writer who had a good deal of influence in his day; and in Physics and Politics , where he discusses Progress, there is no suggestion of fatalism. Progress was discussed by Fiske in his Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy , vol. ii. 192 sqq. Thus in the seventies and eighties of the last century the idea of Progress was becoming a general article of faith.

Moreover, three crosses chalked up on the doors of houses and cattle-stalls on Walpurgis Night will effectually prevent any of the infernal crew from entering and doing harm to man or beast. See The Scapegoat, pp. 158 sqq.