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About the same date, "a deputation from the department of Gard expressly demands a sum of two hundred and fifty millions, as indemnity to the cultivator, for grain which it calls national property." Decree ordering the forced loan of a billion on the rich, May 20-25 Buchez et Roux, XXV., 156. Gorsas, "Courrier des Departements," No. for May I5, 1793. Cf.

CAUSES, the various, of legitimate separation, 253, 470. CELEBRATION of the Lord from the Word, 81. CELESTIAL. In proportion as a man loves his wife he becomes celestial and internal, 77. CELIBACY ought not to be preferred to marriage, 156.

"Applying his results to the earth, Lagrange found that if the velocity of the detached fragment exceeded that of a cannon ball in the proportion of 121 to 1 the fragment would become a comet with a direct motion; but if the velocity rose in the proportion of 156 to 1 the motion of the comet would be retrograde.

Yet do you suppose that the structural convenience of the redent entirely effaces from the mind of the designer the aesthetic characters which he seeks in the cusp? If you could for an instant imagine this, you would be undeceived by a glance either at the early redents of Amiens, fringing hollow vaults, or the late redents of Rouen, acting as crockets on the outer edges of pediments. 156.

Her length was 185 feet 7-1/2 inches, her breadth 53 feet 8-1/2, depth 22 feet 2, and 2347 tons' measurement; and the expense of building her and sending her to sea is said to have been 156,000l.

Marie's arm drew tight around the newcomer as she kissed her cheek. "I, also, am glad to welcome you," said Rupert. "Brother Henrik," he added, "your excuse for non-attendance at our meeting is accepted." "The Lord ... will fulfill the desire of them that fear him; he will also hear their cry." Psalms 156:19. Rachel found continual delight in all the wonders of spirit-land.

II. p. 200, cf. p. 204. Mâyâ who sets the whole world dancing and whose actions no one can understand is herself set dancing with all her troupe, like an actress on the stage, by the play of the Lord's eyebrows. Also Bhandarkar, Vaishṇ. and Saivism, pp. 76-82 and Farquhar, Outlines of Relig. This is a short poem of only seventeen lines printed in Growse's Mathurâ, p. 156. Harirayaji 32.

It is a necessity of perverse humanity to be thirsty wherever there is no water; and but for the Florida fruit and the canteens which had been filled at the spring on the mountain side, we should have suffered. Mount Cardigan is but 3,156 feet above the sea-level; but as it stands alone the view on all sides is unobstructed and clear.

In all, I counted 2,156 souls, namely, 637 men, 756 women, and 763 children; and, making an addition for those away procuring fuel, and those at the Fort, I estimate the sum-total of residents to be 2,325, which is rather over than under the true number.

There were then in Japan 156 ministers of Christianity, namely, 122 Jesuits, 14 Franciscans, 9 Dominicans, 4 Augustinians, and 7 secular priests.