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Something might be made out of the Pass or Fountain of Tears, a tale of chivalry, taken from the Passages of Arms, which Jacques de Lalain maintained for the first day of every month for a twelvemonth. The first mention perhaps of red-hot balls appears in the siege of Oudenarde by the citizens of Ghent. Chronique, p. 293. This would be light summer work. J.B. came and sat an hour.

Smith's "Brazil," p. 586; "Primitive Superstitions," p. 293. See Folkard's "Plant-lore, Legends, and Lyrics," p. 524. See the Gardeners' Chronicle, 1875, p. 315. According to another legend, forget-me-nots sprang up.

As immigration swarmed West and Cincinnati grew, his land consequently took on enhanced value. By 1830 the population was 24,831; twenty years later it had reached 118,761, and in 1860, 171,293 inhabitants. For a Western city this was a very considerable population for the period. The growth of the city kept on increasingly.

Does Huxley make his subject interesting? If so, how does he accomplish this? Is the personality of Huxley suggested by the essays? See Life and Letters, vol. ii, p. 293. II. Suggestions for the Study of Structure. A. Analysis of the whole composition. State in one complete sentence the theme of the essay. Analyze the essay for the logical development of the thought. a.

Fort's Medical Economy during the Middle Ages, p. 345. Dr. Howden, Medical Superintendent of the Montrose Lunatic Asylum, in Journal of Mental Science, 1873. First Signs of Insanity, p. 293. Clinical Lectures on Mental Diseases, p. 428. The whole of chapter xi. is very pertinent. Dr. R. Jones, in Allbutt's System of Medicine, vol. viii. p. 335 Dr. Hollander, First Signs of Insanity, pp. 64-5.

Von Wlislocki, p. 76; Campbell, vol. ii. p. 293; Luzel, "Contes," vol. i. pp. 198, 217; "Annuaire des Trad. Pop." 1887, p. 53; Pitré, vol. v. pp. 238, 248; Grundtvig, vol. i. p. 148; Schneller, pp. 103, 109.

Through interlocking directorates. Morgan & Co., the First National Bank, the National City Bank, the Bankers Trust Co., and the Guaranty Trust Co., which were all closely affiliated, had extended their control until they held, 118 directorships in 34 banks with combined resources of $2,679,000,000. 30 directorships in 10 insurance companies with total assets of $2,293,000,000.

However, I found the land so subdivided that it was not only difficult, but impossible, to obtain a farm of sufficient size to return a reasonable percentage on the necessary outlay. The population of Kerry was then 293,880, and the land was divided into 25,848 farms, the holders of which, I may say, entirely depended for existence on 26,030 acres of potatoes.

That is, the complete equation of transformation would read: 2H + O = 2H O + 293,000 J. + X, involving all three entities, matter, energy, and mind, pertaining, respectively, to the realm of chemistry, of physics, and of psychology, or possibly a broader science of which psychology is one branch.

Inscription by Susan B. Anthony on copy of Train's The Great Epigram Campaign of Kansas, Library of Congress. Harper, Anthony, I, p. 293. Ibid., p. 295. "If we women fail to speak the one word of the hour," Susan wrote Anna E. Dickinson, "who shall do it? No man is able, for no man sees or feels as we do. To whom God gives the word, to him or her he says, 'Go preach it."