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Many of Morgagni's contemporaries did not fully appreciate the change that was in progress, and the value of the new method of correlating the clinical symptoms and the morbid appearances. After all, it was only the extension of the Hippocratic method of careful observation the study of facts from which reasonable conclusions could be drawn.

While any of the large branches in the abdomen may be affected, the most common seats are in the aorta itself, just above the origin of the cœliac artery and at the bifurcation. The clinical features vary with the site of the aneurysm and with its rapidity and direction of growth. A smooth, rounded swelling, which exhibits expansile pulsation, forms, usually towards the left of the middle line.

In discussing this subject I will raise only the question whether or not the specific character of the inaugural symptoms of some infectious diseases may be due to phylogenetic association. These inaugural symptoms are measurably a recapitulation of the leading phenomena of the disease in its completed clinical picture.

#General Phenomena.# It is customary to divide the clinical history of a severe burn into three periods; but it is to be observed that the features characteristic of the periods have been greatly modified since burns have been treated on the same lines as other wounds.

He contented himself with a single question. "How long?" he asked laconically. With equal brevity the Jap replied: "Two days," and postponed further inquiries by slipping a clinical thermometer into his master's mouth.

He worked like a horse, did Walker huge consulting practice hours a day in the clinical wards constant original investigations. And then he enjoyed himself also. 'De mortuis, of course, but still it's an open secret among all who knew him. If he died at forty-five, he crammed eighty years into it. The marvel was that he could have held on so long at the pace at which he was going.

Again and again I have seen these young students, for, of course, they enter despite my protestations everybody wants to see the folly of everything for himself I have seen them succumb to the unwonted nervous tax within a few weeks; others bear up for months, many get through the year and go home to spend their summer vacation in bed "Vassar victims" all, whose ghosts haunt the clinical records of doctors from Texas to Canada, from Maine to California, and whose influence makes, so far as it is felt, against woman's chances for liberal education; for these failures are counted as natural effects of study, of mental labor which the female organization cannot endure!

More in harmony with the clinical experiences here is the fact according to Biedl "that the adrenalin affects the intracranial and the pulmonary vessels only slightly if at all." We presume that what is true of adrenalin in this respect will be true of all drugs which increase blood pressure.

It was characteristic of him that he forgot his clinical thermometer, and was never known to have a prescription-pad or pencil. One servant opened the house door for him, and another the carriage door; the Doctor stepped in quickly, growling out a direction and ignoring the bows of his retainers. He kept his own for the benefit of his clients, he was wont cynically to say.

The stupor reaction, then, is a simple regression, with a limitation of energy, emotion and ideational content, the last being confined to notions of death. All functional psychoses are regressions. How do the others differ from this? We need only answer this question in so far as it concerns the clinical states resembling benign stupors. Stupors occur frequently in catatonic dementia præcox.